Thursday 5 November 2015

Time for bonfires and fireworks

"Remember, remember the fifth of November / The gunpowder treason and plot / I see no reason why gunpowder treason / Should ever be forgot." Well, I am sure you are familiar with it. Surely you do. You must know because of a certain movie based on a graphic novel. I had no problem remembering that tonight it is Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night. There has been fireworks since the beginning of the evening, some almost next door. In fact, fireworks have been... fireworking? Fireworks have been going on since the beginning of November. Even last month. I have to say, I far prefer the bonfires. I find them more impressive, more beautiful and rustic in the night. And the smell of smoke in the night is just so lovely. But tonight I am staying home: I am babysitting a cat who is very much afraid of fireworks, or to be precise of the noise they make. Last year I went out, where I took the picture you see. There will be more fireworks in the upcoming days, so I will not miss everything. I will, however miss the sight and smell of a majestic bonfire.


  1. i love a good bonfire! it is so hot here i feel like i am sitting in one.

  2. I feel your pain, we get fireworks around Bastille day and it scares the hell out of Akira :(

  3. I had a nice quiet little bonfire with a friend the night after Halloween. Just the two of us, some tea and marshmallows and a good view of the fireworks from other bonfires around the county! It was lovely! :)

  4. I would much prefer a nice bonfire to fireworks! Feeling very sorry for that little kitty who is afraid of the fireworks.:-(
