Thursday 29 October 2015

First Jack O'Lantern

This is the first Jack O'Lantern I made for Halloween 2015. I just finished it, not even five minutes ago (as I am typing this), from the smallest pumpkin I bought. Not the greatest Jack or the greatest picture, I am taking it from my mobile phone camera and I am struggling with the light. But I think it is sufficiently spooky. I aimed for dumb yet evil, tried to give him a stupid smile that also looked hungry, like he could take a bite from you. Did it work? I did it did. I don't want my Jack O'Lanterns to look nice, I want them to look nasty and devilish, as if the pumpkins they are made of grew by the gates of Hell and the fire that is in them came from the hottest fires the devils can make. Tell me if it gives you nightmares.


  1. that's an excellent JOL. i haven't done one yet. i better get to it tomorrow!

  2. Oh! I love it! I need you to come and carve this one here!:-) Halloween will come earlier for you than for us here due to the time zones. Enjoy your celebration!
