Saturday, 12 September 2015

You call that a bagel?

I blogged before about the Perky Peacock. I wanted to blog about it again, because it was a lovely experience, for one, and also because I found something a bit... odd in their menu. This thing. It is called "toasted cinnamon and raisin bagel". I was maybe too polite not to correct them when I was there, the Montrealer I am has to say it in case you want to try it: this is most certainly not a bagel. This is a proper bagel. These are bagels. What the Perky Peacock calls bagels is toasted raisin bread. Do not get me wrong: it is very good. It is perfect for breakfast, perfect for tea time too, just sweet enough and very filling. Great value for money. But it is not a bagel. If you want to have a delicious breakfast in York at a very decent price (£2.50), go to the Perky Peacock and order one of these. If you want to know what is a proper bagel, go to Montreal, or find yourself a baker who is a Montreal expat. This was good, but no bagel.


  1. They call any damn thing a bagel these days.

  2. They look more like toasted teacakes to me. Definitely not a bagel, but still making me hungry now.

  3. montreal bagels are the best. hands down.

  4. Err, ça me fait penser aux français fous de la nourriture américaine qui donnent des noms américains à des plats qui n'ont rien à voir avec les originaux!
