Monday 3 August 2015

"I love Mondays"?

This is what I've heard this morning from one of my colleagues who works at reception. This is in fact the first thing I heard walking in the office. She said it with genuine enthusiasm, with a smile and everything, talking to the person next to her. I have to confess, I never had that feeling. Whatever the job I had, whether I liked it or not, I never loved Mondays. Sure, some Mondays I enjoyed for specific reasons, due to specific circumstances. But Mondays in general? Nope. I always had a feeling of gloom and doom Monday mornings. Whether I worked or not, actually. Maybe even more so when I was unemployed. So... Where does that feeling my colleague has come from? How can someone love Mondays?


  1. Before I retired, I loved Mondays if they happened to be the 4th day of a long week-end.:-) Having a Friday off and the Monday following was always a special treat.

    Thank you for your visits to my simple little meanderings, and enjoy your coming holiday!

  2. Any Monday I show up to work is another Monday following a weekend I didn't die of alcohol poisoning. Win!

  3. i don't like mondays and i am retired.

  4. Haha I don't know. I liked this Monday because my office was closed but most Mondays are blah!
