Sunday 5 July 2015

First Stormy Night?

I think we might have had our first storm of the summer last Friday. As I was falling asleep, I could hear the storm coming. At first it was lightning and thunder from far away, then I could see and hear it closer and closer. When it was over the town, it kept me awake a few minutes. Then I fell back asleep. I guess storms are relaxing. I hope we have another one soon, when I can be fully awake. I love summer storms. All storms really, but there is something about summer storms that is absolutely magnificent.


  1. i love a good storm too. i like them any time of year!

  2. Oh! I love a storm! It's nice to hear the rain falling during the night!

  3. We have not had a real rain storm in a while, pretty much everything has turned to yellow.

  4. Move to the East Florida coast. a thunder storm every afternoon!
