Saturday 30 May 2015

The Care Bear in the Irish pub

I took this picture in the local Irish pub, it is one of the many decorations the place has and one of the silliest. People ampong you who grew up in the 80s, or managed to survive the 80s recognize a Care Bear. It is Good Luck Bear, to be precise. What a stupid name: his shamrock does not even have four cloves. Still, a green Care Bear with a shamrock is Irish enough. Growing up, I used to love Care Bear, shame on me, but I never cared much about this little green fellow. Because yellow was then my favourite colour, I was all into Funshine Bear. Nowadays, a more fitting Irish Care Bear sitting on the shelf of an Irish pub should maybe be black and white with a pint of Guinness on his tummy. And the green one should have a cannabis plant symbol and be called Weed Bear or something. But hey, I am glad one of the relics of the 80s, a decade I strongly disliked,a relic that developed consumerism in the minds of a generation of children, is finally being useful. Because Good Luck Bear in an Irish pub looks Irish and fitting enough.


  1. Je suis pas certain, mais je pense que ça pourrait être une imitation et non un vrai calinours, selon la couleur et le trèfle pas à 4 feuilles.

  2. ahhh, care bears,,

  3. Cute bear! Our Irish pub closed its doors recently.:(

  4. I was 23 when the 80s started and recently moved to California. I was a naive and impressionable young thing. I think I remember care bears, but not much. The 80s had their place. But I don't miss them.
