Anyway, maybe it is because there are many witches dwelling in secret in the village. In which case, it would be the right place to go to celebrate: there would be a witch's coven tonight, where they dance in circle and meet devils and maybe Satan in person. You can see that my imagination is running wild. I might read a scary story tonight to celebrate. Since I don't think there is a witch's coven to crash in.And in any case, tonight also reminds us that it is only six months until Halloween. In a way, it is the first night of its countdown.
Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Walpurgis Night
Tonight is Walpurgis Night. It is April's Halloween. And today would feel like it is Halloween if only because of the cold temperature outside. If it was not for the blossoming trees and the evening falling relatively late, well, it would certainly be a perfect Halloween night. But Walpurgis Night is its sister. The name means "witches night" and thus I have decided to upload a picture of the ensign of a nearby village hall. If it looks familiar, it is because I uploaded a picture of the same place last year. I haven't discovered why they have a witch as an emblem yet. Shame on me. But I intend to find out before Halloween this year and keep you posted.
Anyway, maybe it is because there are many witches dwelling in secret in the village. In which case, it would be the right place to go to celebrate: there would be a witch's coven tonight, where they dance in circle and meet devils and maybe Satan in person. You can see that my imagination is running wild. I might read a scary story tonight to celebrate. Since I don't think there is a witch's coven to crash in.And in any case, tonight also reminds us that it is only six months until Halloween. In a way, it is the first night of its countdown.
Anyway, maybe it is because there are many witches dwelling in secret in the village. In which case, it would be the right place to go to celebrate: there would be a witch's coven tonight, where they dance in circle and meet devils and maybe Satan in person. You can see that my imagination is running wild. I might read a scary story tonight to celebrate. Since I don't think there is a witch's coven to crash in.And in any case, tonight also reminds us that it is only six months until Halloween. In a way, it is the first night of its countdown.
Question existentielle (259)
Je me pose cette question existentielle en pensant aux Cinq saisons d'Harmonium. Et pui, ça a tout à voir avec le mois d'avril qui finit complètement schizo, comme d'habitude:
-De quoi aurait l'air une cinquième saison, s'il y en avait une?
-De quoi aurait l'air une cinquième saison, s'il y en avait une?
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
A dolmen in the woods
We visited this dolmen during our last time in Brittany. I had wanted to see one for ages and, as a visit to Brocéliande was not possible for this stay (unfortunately), it was a great way to get in contact to one of the most important artifact of Breton folklore. Dolmens are associated with the supernatural in old myths and legends, they are allegedly the dwelling of Korrigans (for those who have not been reading this blog since its beginning, you might be interested to know that we have a Korrigan at home) and other magical creatures. We didn't see any of them, but it was not for lack of trying. It is true also that we were in the middle of the afternoon. At nighttime, it might have been different. Nevertheless, the place was very atmospheric and I could easily see why it could fire up the imagination of people.
Passer à travers sa vie à coups de journées
C'est la première fois que je télécharge une chanson de Vilain Pingouin sur Vraie Fiction. Un groupe québécois que j'écoutais assez souvent dans les années 90, surtout son deuxième album. Après ça, je les ai un peu oubliés. Ils sont devenus célèbres à cause de cette chanson, de leur premier album. Je l'aimais bien, mais je pense qu'on ne l'apprécie jamais autant que lorsqu'on est devenu un travailleur (la vie était plus simple durant mon adolescence des années 90). Les fins de mois plutôt épuisantes comme celle que je suis en train de vivre au travail, ou simplement les journées occupées, elle me vient souvent en tête. Surtout que je voyage en train tous les jours. Passer à travers sa vie à coups de journées, je trouve parfois que je le fais trop souvent. Une de mes ex trouvait que Vilain Pingouin avait toujours le même beat. C'est peut-être un peu vrai, mais ça ne les empêchait pas d'avoir de la profondeur. Surtout dans cette chanson.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Scotland or Yorkshire?
This is our dilemma these days: my wife and I want to plan our summer holidays and we don't know where to go. We are very tempted to visit either Scotland, more particularly but not certainly Edinburgh, or Yorkshire, probably in York. Not the new one, the old one. She has been to York, but never to Scotland. I have been to Scotland, once, when I was a child. I have been longing for it since then. This is where my ancestors come from. A journey to Scotland has been long overdue. But then, there is Yorkshire, one of the most picturesque region of England and a that I have been curious about for quite a long while. And I know of a couple of places in York I already want to visit. So we are having this terrible dilemma.
Se promener dans les bois
Cette photo a été prise en Bretagne lors de notre denrier séjour là bas. Ce n'était pas la Brocéliande, mais quand même, c'était un boisé très plaisant. J'essaie de faire des promenades digestives dans la nature en fête aussi souvent que possible, mais je veux surtout me promener proprement, dans un endroit un peu plus reculé de la civilisation. Et, depuis mon séjour en Bretagne, je veux me promener dans les bois. Il y en a dans les environs, à une distance relativement courte. On en a visité un, en 2009. J'ai même blogué à ce sujet. Ca fait tout de même un bail. Bien sûr, on a visités d'autres bois, mais on ne profite pas assez des coins proches de chez nous. Selon une amie de ma femme, la ville où nous vivons est un îlot de civilisation humaine au milieu d'une dense forêt... Enfin, quelque chose du genre: il y a pleins de coins quasi-sauvages où se promener. Je compte les explorer.
Monday, 27 April 2015
April in all its treachery
This evening as I was walking home from the station, I bumped into my Italian friend (I really, really need to find pseudonyms for the blog) and her boyfriend. Something struck me right away: she was wearing a red winter coat. Well, I say winter, more like a winter coat for here, not much of a winter coat were I come from. I was wearing my autumn/spring Kanuk coat. And it struck me: I had started wearing it back since yesterday. After about two weeks of warm weather, of a Spring that felt like Spring, when I could have short sleeves, April as it is about to end decided to be cold and nasty. And what surprised me was that I was not even surprised. April was very much like I expected it to be eventually.
Quand Clarks s'en va
Petite tragédie locale, ou en tout cas sérieux emmerdement pour moi: le magasin Clarks local a fermé ses portes. Et je me demande maintenant où je vais pouvoir aller acheter mes chouclaques quand le temps sera venu. Les Québécois savent que j'ai fait ici un calembour: chouclaque vient sans doute de Clarks, justement. C'est une déformation de "shoe Clarks". Et ce sera le mot du jour pour aujourd'hui. Mais bon, toutes considérations étymologiques mises à part, ça suce comme situation. Parce que c'était l'un des seuls magasins abordables de la petite ville tranquille où je vis. Et là il va me falloir user des souliers pour en acheter des nouveaux.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Steam trains
One of the cousins my wife mentioned on Facebook that her nephew, the youngest one of the family, had his first steam train ride recently. He is only a toddler. I commented: "I envy him,: it took me 37 years to have mine." Which is rather incongruous, as I always loved trains. I did it last summer, twice. The first time in the journey from Dartmouth to Paignton. The picture on this post is from that time. The engine is aptly named Hercules. I actually found this first experience rather underwhelming. It was on my second journey, on another line (see my post about it here), that I was truly taken away and absolutely smitten. Now for the young boy, of course he loved it. There is just something about trains in general and steam trains in particular. I still don't know what.
Citation des Muses orphelines
Cette citation de la pièce de Michel Marc Bouchard m'est venue en tête aujourd'hui, devinez pourquoi. Lorsque Catherine Tanguay dit à sa soeur Isabelle l'adage connu: "En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil," l'autre lui répond du tac au tac: "En mai, reste enfermé." C'est mon état d'esprit ces temps-ci. Et je sais, j'utilise une oeuvre magistrale de la dramaturgie québécoise de manière horriblement triviale.
The mystery of the smoking mounds in the park
Yesterday, my wife and I spent time with her friend (I really need to find names for all of them), her daughter (Buffy's owner) and her daughter's friend. We spend a good deal of time in a nearby park, the same where I took picture of the crows. The girls went in the hidden narrow paths through the trees and shrubbery on the outskirt of the park. They were playing make belief games and imagining the paths were full of zombies or monsters. Or whatever else. Did I mention that I love these kids and their twisted imagination? They were particularly fascinated by some mounds made of dry twigs, dry grass and small bits of wood.
They came back to us saying that some smoke was getting off one of the mounds. We went to check with them and they had not lied or imagined it: If you were scruffling a bit of the hill there was smoke coming out and it did feel like there was some small fire burning in it.Now the mounds' presence itself is easy to explain; we could see some trees had been trimmed, some might even have been cut down entirely, so we can assume these were remains of some gardening done on the order of the town authorities. But why the smoke, that is something else entirely. I know that in Québec people often burn dead leaves and dry grass during Springtime and I have often smell here smoke in Springtime, that may come from such bonfires. This would make sense. Or it may also be some kid throwing a match at it, or something of the sort. Whatever the case, I really wonder about these smoking mounds.
They came back to us saying that some smoke was getting off one of the mounds. We went to check with them and they had not lied or imagined it: If you were scruffling a bit of the hill there was smoke coming out and it did feel like there was some small fire burning in it.Now the mounds' presence itself is easy to explain; we could see some trees had been trimmed, some might even have been cut down entirely, so we can assume these were remains of some gardening done on the order of the town authorities. But why the smoke, that is something else entirely. I know that in Québec people often burn dead leaves and dry grass during Springtime and I have often smell here smoke in Springtime, that may come from such bonfires. This would make sense. Or it may also be some kid throwing a match at it, or something of the sort. Whatever the case, I really wonder about these smoking mounds.
Girafe et cadrage en bédé, version Gotlib
Cette image est bien entendu tirée d'une des Rubriques à brac de Gotlib, mettant en vedette le Professeur Burp, spécialiste des questions animales. Je ne crois pas avoir besoin de commenter outre mesure. Gotlib est un génie de la bande dessinée et il ne brise pas que le quatrième mur ici, il brise tous les murs. Et le Professeur Burp rencotnre son double en plus. Et remarquez le cou et la tête de la girafe qui vont partout dans les cases. On rit en même temps qu'on est impressionné de tant de virtuosité.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
This is an image from an book (with disc I received on my birthday, Mozart raconté aux enfants. I blogged about it before. The images were absolutely beautiful. The book/disc was my very first introduction to Mozart and his work. This image was the very first look I had at Papageno, immortal character from The Magic Flute, the bird-catcher of the Queen of the Night. He became my favourite character of the whole opera. He is the most interesting one, as he has a proper story arch and a proper personality, with a good heart but not too virtuous. Papageno is flawed: he can get drunk, he can lie, he often lacks courage. But he is also not without qualities: he is certainly resourceful and he shows loyalty to his friends. And he is a baritone, which is just my voice. I did try myself as some of his arias when I was learning to sing, but I struggled far more with German than I ever did with Italian. So here is his introductory aria, sung by Simon Keenlyside. He captures very well the personality of Papageno, carefree, with a hint of melancholia, longing for a simple kind of happiness.
Mon premier livre de mythologie grecque
Je reviens sur ma fête, enfin sur l'une de mes fêtes, celle de mes huit ans si mes calculs sont bons. J'étais déjà initié un peu à la mythologie grecque parce que je regardais Ulysses 31 et que j'avais vu Clash of the Titans. Mes parents m'avaient donc acheté Dieux & Héros grecs à cause d'une fascination grandissante pour leur mythologie. Avec ce livre, j'avais finalement une ressource pour m'éduquer proprement sur le sujet: j'ai appris qui était qui chez les dieux et leurs attributs respectifs, j'ai appris que le véritable nom d'Hercules était Héraclès (nom que j'utilise encore, d'ailleurs, pour l'identifier), j'ai surtout appris la véritable histoire d'Ulysses. Ce livre demeure l'un de mes cadeaux de fête préférés, à vie.
Friday, 24 April 2015
A murder of crows in the park
I have decided to publish this picture partially because I wanted to use (again and I may add shamelessly) this expression, which I absolutely love. It is also and mainly because I wanted to share this picture. I took it a two weeks ago in a nearby park, on a cold Saturday of April, when we went to see my wife's friend who was there with her grandson, her daughter (Buffy's owner) and a friend of her daughter. It was sunny but there was a chilling wind that made it borderline freezing. The crows were in the middle of the park, walking there, indifferent to us, as if they were dominating the place. I thought it was beautiful and atmospheric.
Le poisson du vendredi
Je vais manger du poisson ce soir, mais pas celui que vous voyez ici. Celui-ci, c'était une sole pas meunière que j'ai mangé avec de la sauce béarnaise et des frites, lesquelles étaient accompagnées de mayonnaise. Je suis un homme d'habitudes et de traditions. Lorsque j'étais jeune, le repas d'anniversaire c'était du poulet, ou de la fondue chinoise ou de la fondue suisse, selon mes humeurs. Mais maintenant, depuis que j'ai pris de la maturité et donc que mes goûts ont évolué, je mange du poisson.
C'est aussi souvent mon repas du vendredi soir. Avec des frites quand je veux faire bien décadent. Ce n'est pas parce que c'est une tradition catholique, parce que je justement je ne me prive pas en mangeant du poisson, mais c'est bien de consacrer un repas de la semaine au poisson, notamment parce que c'est particulièrement santé. Et parce que c'est bon. Et puis il y a une grande diversité de poissons: on peut en découvrir des nouveaux à chaque fois, ou redécouvrir des classiques redéfiniss. La sole de mon repas de fête était toute simple, avec une sauce béarnaise, du citron et c'est tout. Mais il y a pleins d'autres façons d'apprêter un même poisson. En plus le ratio de ce qui est consommable dans le poisson est plus élevé que pour les viandes. Alors bon, c'est en général mon repas du vendredi soir.
C'est aussi souvent mon repas du vendredi soir. Avec des frites quand je veux faire bien décadent. Ce n'est pas parce que c'est une tradition catholique, parce que je justement je ne me prive pas en mangeant du poisson, mais c'est bien de consacrer un repas de la semaine au poisson, notamment parce que c'est particulièrement santé. Et parce que c'est bon. Et puis il y a une grande diversité de poissons: on peut en découvrir des nouveaux à chaque fois, ou redécouvrir des classiques redéfiniss. La sole de mon repas de fête était toute simple, avec une sauce béarnaise, du citron et c'est tout. Mais il y a pleins d'autres façons d'apprêter un même poisson. En plus le ratio de ce qui est consommable dans le poisson est plus élevé que pour les viandes. Alors bon, c'est en général mon repas du vendredi soir.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Saint George's Day
I did not need to be reminded by the Google Doodle today, but I am putting it on this post because it is a nice one (albeit not as nice as the one last year): it is Saint George's Day today. Which means that English people were reminded of their patron saint thanks to the Doodle. But not me. Oh no. I give proper respect to a dragon killer. I do want to celebrate St George's Day properly once, since it is on a weekday it was not really possible this time, but next year because of the gap year it will be on a weekend, so I intend to do something special. I already have a few ideas, not all of them involving drinking. But I have a year to plan it. Until then, enjoy Saint George's Day.
Lieux de légendes et de mystères du Québec
J'ai décidé de ploguer un bouquin que je suis en train de lire. Je parle de celui-ci, que vous pouvez voir à gauche. Mes parents me l'ont acheté en 2010 (je crois) et je ne l'ai pas ouvert avant il y a quelques semaines. J'en ai un peu honte, parce que c'est vraiment un superbe ouvrage. Les légendes racontées sont intimement liées à la géographie québécoise, le passé mythique se mêle à celui réel ainsi qu'au présent. Et elles sont racontées avec juste assez d'ironie. Vraiment un plaisir, surtout pour l'expatrié que je suis.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Pink Floyd for Earth Day
Just like every year, Google reminded me with his Doodle that today is Earth Day. I was not sure how to commemorate it this year, then I thought that we didn't have Pink Floyd for a while on Vraie Fiction. So I decided to upload here Take it Back from The Division Bell. Not my favourite Pink Floyd album by far, but it is an eco-friendly song and I cannot put every year the Discovery Channel's jingle. And Pink Floyd, even a tad preachy, is still Pink Floyd.
Le gâteau de ma fête
Je reviens sur ma fête, juste pour le plaisir de faire de la food porn. Non, malgré ce que m'ont souhaité certains, je n'ai pas fait de catastrophy cake cette année. Pour une définition de catastrophy cake, voire ce billet. Pour un exemple parfait de ce que c'est, voir celui-ci. Non, pas que j'aie peur de faire encore un massacre côté desserts, mais je me sentais vegge, alors au lieu de ça j'ai acheté un gâteau dans une pâtisserie locale. C'est un gâteau Forêt noire un brin sobre, parce que sans cerises. Tout de même, il est délicieux. Et les copeaux de chocolats ont revolé un peu quand j'ai soufflé les chandelles, alors il a été un tantinet catastrophique malgré tout.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Being 38
It is my birthday today, I am 38. Ouch! In two years time, I will be 40. The thirties are going sharp and fast. I still remember when I turned 30, it feels like yesterday. But I shouldn't complain: for my mother, this birthday and my age comes even more like a shock. She told me yesterday: "Sometimes it feels like you were going to turn 8 only yesterday." I said: "This yesterday was 30 years ago." A fatalist line, but a great unknown line nevertheless. I will look at it at the bright side: I still have two years of relative youth to live and I am being spoiled today.
Marquise si mon visage...
C'est ma fête aujourd'hui, alors comme de raison, parce que c'est une tradition sur le blogue (même si j'ai sauté une année l'année dernière), voici les Stances à Marquise de Corneille chantées par Georges Brassens, avec l'ajout que l'on connaît. Je n'ai tout de même que 38 ans, je ne suis pas aussi vieux que Corneille quand il a écrit ses stances. Cela dit, il ne me reste que deux ans d'ici à la quarantaine, ce qui me donne un coup de vieux comme j'en ai rarement eu par le passé. Les quelques traits un peu vieux de la chanson, bien ça me va, malheureusement.
Monday, 20 April 2015
Dangerous Hills
I must have a geek fever: I am in the mood these days to revisit another Fighting Fantasy Gamebook, actually a whole saga: the Sorcery! series, where you play either a magician or a warrior and where you need to recapture a magical artifact from an evil archmage through the course of four books. I first read The Shamutanti Hills when I was 10. It is the only book of the whole series I read, actually. I was attracted by the picture of the manticore on the front cover. It looked devilish and very menacing and was contrasting nicely with the bucolic background.
In French the book was titled "Les collines maléfiques" (i.e. The Evil Hills). In fact, the hills were not really evil. Yes, they were full of dangers, but there was also plenty of little villages that were friendly and your character was not lost for ages in dark dungeons, mazes or say a sinister forest. As a setting, the Shamutanti Hills were full of character and the book in itself was more of a medieval fantasy travelogue with a few self-contained adventures and some interesting encounters with locals. Oh and there was a manticore to fight near the end of the journey. It influenced us enough in later years when we started playing Dungeons & Dragons: one of the most important monsters we fought in our first adventure was a manticore.
In French the book was titled "Les collines maléfiques" (i.e. The Evil Hills). In fact, the hills were not really evil. Yes, they were full of dangers, but there was also plenty of little villages that were friendly and your character was not lost for ages in dark dungeons, mazes or say a sinister forest. As a setting, the Shamutanti Hills were full of character and the book in itself was more of a medieval fantasy travelogue with a few self-contained adventures and some interesting encounters with locals. Oh and there was a manticore to fight near the end of the journey. It influenced us enough in later years when we started playing Dungeons & Dragons: one of the most important monsters we fought in our first adventure was a manticore.
Question existentielle (258)
J'ai récemment lu cet article sur la politesse des Québécois (ou l'absence de politesse, selon certains) et je me pose une question existentielle qui n'a même pas été mentionnée dans cet article. Pourtant, c'en est une d'une très grande importance quand on traite de la politesse. Pour une fois, c'est une authentique question existentielle:
-La politesse est-elle une vertu?
-La politesse est-elle une vertu?
Sunday, 19 April 2015
The doorbell ringing on a Sunday morning
As usual, I slept late this morning. Sunday is usually the day of the week when I am at my laziest and such a late sleeper. And then I lie in for a little while after I woke up. This morning, someone rang at the door. Not so early, it might have been past 10. Still. On a Sunday morning, I find it downright rude. We were not expecting anyone. I didn't answer. Which is just as well, as whoever did it did not insist. I wonder who that was. Jehovah's Witnesses, maybe? I wouldn't be surprised. I have to confess, it was my first suspicion, but it could have been anyone, simply someone who rang the wrong door or something. All the same, one of the advantages of being an atheist is that I don't have to get up early on Sunday and I want it to stay that way. The doorbell ringing on Sunday morning is, as far as I'm concerned, a disturbance of peace.
Liverpool touristique (perspective québécoise)
J'ai récemment lu cet article de La Presse sur Liverpool, article auquel par ailleurs j'ai chipé la photo que vous voyez sur ce billet. Comme mon lectorat le sait, j'ai vécu un an à Liverpool. Je ne prétends pas qu'après un an la ville n'a plus de secrets pour moi, en fait je trouve que je n'ai pas assez profité de mon temps là-bas, mais je considère néanmoins Liverpool comme une ville d'adoption. Je n'y ai pas vécu en touriste. Ca fait toujours un peu étrange de lire au sujet de Liverpool dans un journal québécois.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Réinventer le brunch?
Commençons ce samedi sur le blogue en faisant de la food porn. Comme le disait une amie française, du temps que j'étais étudiant: "comme tu es vil." Enfin bref, j'ai trouvé cette photo sur la page Facebook de Juliette & Chocolat. Apparemment, "Juliette a réinventé le brunch." Je n'en suis pas certain. Ca a vraiment l'air d'un déjeuner, point. La photo du milieu nous montre un repas plus chocolaté, les deux autres n'ont l'air pas mal non plus, mais chez Juliette et Chocolat, j'y vais pour le chocolat. Enfin j'y allais, parce que je n'y ai pas mis les pieds depuis cinq ans. Il va falloir que je corrige ça lors de mon premier séjour à Montréal.
Thursday, 16 April 2015
The bat box
No, this is not a Batman gadget (and although Batman is my favourite superhero I always thought his gadgets had such stupid names). It is a house for bats, bought by my father-in-law to give a proper home to the bats that dwell in his garden and sometimes under his roof. You can read more about bat boxes here. We have bats here too, I consider them neighbours, although very elusive ones. I wish we could place bat boxes here too, maybe the bats would not be so elusive. I mentioned a number of times on this blog why I love bats: its popular association with vampires and of course Batman and because they are shy creatures of the night that bring character to a garden. So I really wish we could have a bat box or two here.
La défaite (humiliante) du Tartuffe Jean Tremblay
Oh que je suis heureux depuis hier! Je n'en finis plus de bien savourer cette nouvelle: le maire de Saguenay a été défait en Cour Suprême. La mairie de Saguenay ne peut plus légalement être transformée en lieu de culte pour la promotion du catholicisme version Jean Tremblay, une foi bigote, stupide, celle d'un enfant de choeur attardé qui a vieilli, a une position de pouvoir, mais n'a pas plus de maturité que lorsqu'il était servant de messe. Jean Tremblay n'est pas un maire, c'est un missionnaire. Pire, un Croisé. Qui fait honte à sa région, à ma région avec sa dévotion d'un autre âge. Sa réaction au jugement était à l'image de l'homme: malhonnête, victimaire, confondant culture et foi, identité et catholicisme.
Je suis Saguenéen. Je suis Québécois. Je ne partage pas/plus le catholicisme que le maire guidoune à chacune de ses interventions publiques maintenant. L'identité québécoise et régionale vont bien au delà de notre passé catholique et ne peuvent être contenues par celui-ci. Le maire a toujours refusé de le comprendre. De même que ses stupides partisans (appelons un chat un chat). Je suis d'accord avec Jean-Marc Beaudoin qui dans Le Nouvelliste traite le maire de Tartuffe, tout en rappelant des réactions peu édifiantes des grenouilles de bénitier qui ont montré leur vrai visage au Saguenay, à Trois-Rivières et ailleurs au Québec défendant la prière. Ce n'est qu'une bataille de gagnée pour faire du Québec un endroit vraiment laïque. Mais ne nous méprenons pas: c'est une très grande bataille et une magnifique victoire contre ce qu'il faut bien appeler l'obscurantisme.
Je suis Saguenéen. Je suis Québécois. Je ne partage pas/plus le catholicisme que le maire guidoune à chacune de ses interventions publiques maintenant. L'identité québécoise et régionale vont bien au delà de notre passé catholique et ne peuvent être contenues par celui-ci. Le maire a toujours refusé de le comprendre. De même que ses stupides partisans (appelons un chat un chat). Je suis d'accord avec Jean-Marc Beaudoin qui dans Le Nouvelliste traite le maire de Tartuffe, tout en rappelant des réactions peu édifiantes des grenouilles de bénitier qui ont montré leur vrai visage au Saguenay, à Trois-Rivières et ailleurs au Québec défendant la prière. Ce n'est qu'une bataille de gagnée pour faire du Québec un endroit vraiment laïque. Mais ne nous méprenons pas: c'est une très grande bataille et une magnifique victoire contre ce qu'il faut bien appeler l'obscurantisme.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Guess who?
I blogged about it before in French, but thought about revisiting it in a post in English. During our last holiday at my parents-in-laws' place, we got woken up every morning by the birds in the garden and the nearby woods. Their respective cry, mainly, but also the tic-tic-tic-tok of the woodpecker pecking. At first I thought it was a machine doing it, some kind of drill or something. It may sound stupid, but when you are still groggy from a long night's sleep it does sound mechanical. Then it struck me that it was a woodpecker. And of course it reminded me of Woody Woodpecker, who was my childhood's matinees' hero and my favourite toon character ever. More than Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Speedy Gonzalez, Road Runner, Tom and Jerry or whoever. I am a Woody Woodpecker fan. So I found it very fitting the woodpecker at work every morning. And every time I could hear the theme tune of the cartoon... This one:
Signe du déclin industriel (la photo du mois)
Tu parles d'une idée, me suis-je dit quand j'ai lu le thème de la photo du mois d'avril, choisi par Alban. Puis je me suis dit: vivant en Angleterre, ça sera d'une facilité assommante. Ce pays est un témoin vivant du déclin industriel. L'industrie y est née pour décliner, pour ainsi dire. Et pourtant... J'ai trouvé le signe du déclin industriel lors de mon dernier séjour en Bretagne. D'une facilité assommante tout de même, mais dans un endroit inusité. Enfin bref, ceci est un lavoir. Parce que, bien que les lavoirs existent encore, il ne sont plus guère (plus du tout?) utilisés et les lavandières n'existent plus. Peut-être que c'est plus un signe du déclin de l'artisanat que de l'industrie, je ne suis pas certain, mais enfin c'est bien une industrie qui a décliné et qui est morte et je trouve ça toujours frappant quand je vois un lavoir.
A'icha, Akaieric, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Amy, Arwen, Aude, Autour de Cia, Ava, Bestofava, BiGBuGS, Blogoth67, Brindille, Calamonique, Cara, CetO, Champagne, Chat bleu, Chloé, Christophe, Claire's Blog, CécileP, Céline, Céline in Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Dom-Aufildesvues, El Padawan, Estelle, Eurydice, Eva INside-EXpat, Fanfan Raccoon, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galéa, Gilsoub, Giselle 43, Guillaume, Homeos-tasie, Iris, Isaquarel, J'habite à Waterford, Josette, Josiane, Journal d'une Niçoise, Julia, Kenza, KK-huète En Bretannie, Koalisa, Krn, La Fille de l'Air, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laurent Nicolas, Lavandine, Lavandine83, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, Les Filles du Web, Loulou, Luckasetmoi, Lyonelk, magda627, Mamysoren, MauriceMonAmour, Memories from anywhere, Milla la galerie, MissCarole, Morgane Byloos Photography, My Little Reflex, MyLittleRoad, Nanouk, Nicky, Noz & 'Lo, Philae, Philisine Cave, Pilisi, Pixeline, princesse Emalia, Renepaulhenry, Rosa, Rythme Indigo, Salon de Thé, Sandrine, Sinuaisons, Suki, Tambour Major, Testinaute, Thalie, Tuxana, Utopique-Lily, Woocares, Xoliv', Yvette la Chouette.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
An old-fashioned globe
I took this picture very quickly at the Costa Coffee of Southampton Airport. We had a train to catch, so I could not waste any time. So it is not as good a pic as it could have been and I had little time to find the right angle. I often love Costa franchises, not for their coffee, because I don't like coffee, but because of the settings themselves. I think they often have character, far more for some reason than most coffee chains. Well, this one is an airport's coffeehouse, so I could not expect it to have much character, but there was this lovely terrestrial globe.
It is pretty easy to understand why I love this globe so much: it is old-fashioned, old-looking. And especially, in the spaces where oceans are, there are sea monsters that have been drawn. Sea monsters. Like in the ancient maps from ancient times. So it is a globe that is aesthetically pleasing, one that is very artsy. I would buy a globe like this one for here if there was any room for it.
It is pretty easy to understand why I love this globe so much: it is old-fashioned, old-looking. And especially, in the spaces where oceans are, there are sea monsters that have been drawn. Sea monsters. Like in the ancient maps from ancient times. So it is a globe that is aesthetically pleasing, one that is very artsy. I would buy a globe like this one for here if there was any room for it.
Une promenade digestive dans la nature en fête
Le titre est bien entendu tiré de la Rubrique à brac de Gotlib. Je l'utilise parce que c'est ce que je compte faire ce soir. La première promenade digestive dans la nature en fête depuis très longtemps, septembre ou octobre sans doute. Et comme il faut un temps splendide depuis hier, c'est l'occasion ou jamais pour renouer avec cette tradition.
Monday, 13 April 2015
A Game of Chairs
Since the fifth season of Game of Thrones has started and I eagerly watched it tonight, I thought about uploading here the parody from Sesame Street. It is very funny, surprisingly very accurate, but also more surprisingly (given that it is a children's program) makes not so subtle allusions to very grim and bloody events of the show. It can be enjoyed for people who never watched the show or read the books, but it is even funnier for the initiate, because of these allusions. I often find children's educational programs as stupid as they are unfunny for adults. Not this one, at least not this time.
Les fils d'avril
Photo prise pas plus tard que ce soir en revevant du boulot. Le printemps est bien installé et est à son meilleur, enfin son plus printanier. Il faisait beau et presque chaud. Je portais en tout cas des vêtements un peu trop chauds pour la température. Le matin pourtant, il faisait frais sans faire froid. Et demain, ce sera pire: la température risque de monter au dessus de 20. Mais le mot est là: monter. C'est l'ennui avec le mois d'avril: il ne sait pas toujours ce qu'il veut. Vous connaissez le dicton bête et pourtant véridique: "en avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil." Ma mère me rabbait les oreilles avec ça dès qu'il faisait des températures comme aujourd'hui. Je détestais ça. Là je me demande bien quoi faire pour m'habiller demain, parce qu'il le fera. Comment organiser les fils d'avril, en somme.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
British slang and a great unknown line
I don't know if my readers outside the UK have heard of the word "chav", which could be freely translated by "white trash". Yesterday, I received a perfect example of what is/looks like a chav. My wife and I were walking with her friend, her friend's daughter (this daughter), her daughter's friend and her grandson (yes, my wife's friend is a young grandmother). Her grandson was in his push chair when the young grandma asked me: "Could you please push it while I am having a cigarette? Otherwise I will look way too chavy." What mattered more to me was that the smoke was thus not too close to the toddler, so he wouldn't have to breath it. But chavs would not care about it at all, so I guess that she is not a chavette (or a chavy granny?). And I am glad, because not only would I have found smoking close to a toddler wrong on so many levels and utterly inconsiderate, but I really don't like chavy behavior in general. Anyway, the line really made us laugh, so I think it deserves to be a great unknown line.
Un clavier Azerty...
Non, je ne tape pas sur un clavier Azerty en ce moment. J'exècre Azerty, c'est une abomination. J'écris sur un Qwert Yuiop. J'ai commencé ce billet avec ce titre parce qu'il est le début d'un calembour aussi atroce que mensonger sur ledit machin mal foutu: "Un clavier Azerty en vaut deux." C'est mon frère PJ qui me l'a proféré sur ce billet. Notez que je ne tapais pas sur un clavier Azerty lorsque j'étais en Bretagne. PJ dit que c'est un vieux calembour, je ne sais pas d'où il l'a pris. C'était tellement mauvais, presqu'autant que le clavier, qu'il m'a fallu le répertorier ici. Sur Azert, je vais citer mon frère à nouveau: "c'est une abomination envers tout ce qui est sacré." C'est pas un jeu de mots, mais ça a le mérite d'être vrai.
Saturday, 11 April 2015
As I was planning to do soon after I bought this book, I read Beowulf. And I have a terrible confession to make: I was not overly enthusiastic about it. Not nearly as much as I was reading the saga of the Volsungs, which I really, really loved and could not get enough of. I don't know why, it did not click with Beowulf. This is not to say that I did not enjoy the read, just that I did not love it as much as I thought I would. Shame on me.
That said, I loved, loved, loved the Grendel character. You can see him here, as drawn by illustrator Alan Lee. He looks very much like Gollum in this picture. It gives a certain vulnerability in spite of his malevolence. Grendel's physique is only very vaguely described in the epic poem. We have verses like these:
"Rage-inflamed, wreckage-bent, he ripped open
the jaws of the hall. Hastening on,
The foe then stepped onto the unstained floor,
Angrily advanced: out of his eyes stood
An unlovely light like that of fire"
Grendel is described through his actions (here its display of strength) and emotions, this ever present anger. It is evocative rather than descriptive. Grendel is one kind of monster: descendant of Cain, he thus has a human parentage. He is not quite a giant, although larger than a man, he has the appetites of an ogre, but his motivations are at the core vindictive: it is the songs and laughter coming from Heorot that drive him to take vengeful actions. In its simplicity, it is a powerful plot. An inspiring one too. I mentioned in my previous post on Beowulf that I intended to read it partially to calm my longing for Dungeons & Dragons. Now I kind of regret not reading the story a few years ago. A monster inspired by Grendel could have made an excellent foil for a few adventures.
That said, I loved, loved, loved the Grendel character. You can see him here, as drawn by illustrator Alan Lee. He looks very much like Gollum in this picture. It gives a certain vulnerability in spite of his malevolence. Grendel's physique is only very vaguely described in the epic poem. We have verses like these:
"Rage-inflamed, wreckage-bent, he ripped open
the jaws of the hall. Hastening on,
The foe then stepped onto the unstained floor,
Angrily advanced: out of his eyes stood
An unlovely light like that of fire"
Grendel is described through his actions (here its display of strength) and emotions, this ever present anger. It is evocative rather than descriptive. Grendel is one kind of monster: descendant of Cain, he thus has a human parentage. He is not quite a giant, although larger than a man, he has the appetites of an ogre, but his motivations are at the core vindictive: it is the songs and laughter coming from Heorot that drive him to take vengeful actions. In its simplicity, it is a powerful plot. An inspiring one too. I mentioned in my previous post on Beowulf that I intended to read it partially to calm my longing for Dungeons & Dragons. Now I kind of regret not reading the story a few years ago. A monster inspired by Grendel could have made an excellent foil for a few adventures.
L'apéro dans le jardin
Une autre re-découverte lors de mes dernières vacances: l'apéritif, ou apéro, avant le souper, pris dans le jardin quand la température nous le permettait. J'en profite pour désigner apéro comme le nouveau mot du jour. C'est le terme que mes parents utilisaient et utilisent encore. C'est celui que j'utilise également. Sur cette photo prise la veille de notre départ, les amuse-gueules, dont les chips (dans le sens de croustilles, donc les crisps anglaises). Comme alcool, du cidre rosé (!), lequel n'était pas si mal. Enfin, le cidre est une spécialité bretonne, on ne peut pas vraiment se tromper, même s'il est rose.
Friday, 10 April 2015
A fish finger sandwich
It is Friday, so as it is a weekend tradition I am plugging a meal from a specific restaurant. Here, a rather plain, utterly unexciting meal from an unexciting place: the Olive Tree restaurant in Southampton Airport. You can't get more banal than a plain old fish finger sandwich with chips. Yet last week, waiting for the plane, hungry, it was exactly what I wanted and it is exactly what I got. It was both filling and delicious. And cheap too, as you can see on the menu: £6.25. In an airport, finding a meal that is not a ripoff is in itself an exploit. Oh and you cannot see it here, but I asked for mayonnaise to go with the chips. I might make some myself one night, just for fun.
Les douaniers...
À chaque fois que je passe aux douanes et que les douaniers sont difficiles ou pointilleux, j'ai en tête cet aria de CarmenamAujourd'hui, ils n'étaient pas désagréables, seulement lent et pointilleux. Alors je leur dédie à tous cet air. Et oui je sais que je l'ai déjà mis sur le blogue. Pas grave, Bizet on ne l'écoute jamais assez.
Drinking beer in the garden
I took this picture in the garden of my in laws, it is one of the beers of the Brasserie Lancelot I often drink when I am in Brittany. I have rediscovered one of the pleasures of drinking outside, in the garden. Not a pub's garden, but a proper, private, home garden. When the weather is warm enough, like it was then, it is pretty much idyllic. I used to do it very often, as soon as it was warm outside I'd take a beer out and had it in the family garden as an afternoon ritual at weekends. It doesn't get any better than that. Anyway, this is one of the many things I am going to miss from our time there, even though my liver will be grateful: I drank far more last week than I usually do.
Un séjour trop court
Je suis de retour de Bretagne. Ce fut un séjour vraiment trop court, je me rends compte maintenant. Je suis content d'être de retour dans mes affaires et de ne pas salir la vaisselle de la belle-famille, mais malgré tout ben c'était court. Je trouve en particulier que je n'ai pas eu beaucoup l'occasion de parler dans ma langue maternelle, comparé à d'autres visites. Il va me falloir y retourner et pour plus longtemps.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
I just won at Scrabble
Well, I just thought I'd mention it. Not to be smug or anything, but I won at Scrabble. No small feat for me: English is not my first language and I arrived late in the game. The funniest thing is: I loathe Scrabble, usually. I find it dumb. A game when the meaning or understanding of the words have no importance, but simply the capacity to get the maximum points from a bunch of letters. Think about it, Scrabble is the linguist's nightmare, the lobotomized, braindead version of its science, turned into rigor mortis. If you are cunning and devious enough, you can win by bluffing words. Which ironically I didn't do. I just got the right letters. So anyway, I signaled to my wife: "I arrived late in a non-competitive game of Scrabble, English is a second language to me, I hate this game, yet I won." Not gloating or anything, as I said. Yet I think it deserves to be a great unknown line. Just because. Victory is all the sweeter as I do not give it any importance.
Un produit angoissant
Je cherchais un after-shave chez Yves Rocher à La Gacilly il y a deux ou trois jours, dans la section des produits pour hommes je suis tombé sur ça. De la crème anti-ride, enfin "anti-âge" comme ils l'appellent pudiquement. Ce n'est pas une crème de jouvence. Ca me fait toujours une sorte d'angoisse quand je vois ça dans un étalage. Parce que je sais que je suis le client potentiel à qui ils espèrent vendre ça. Enfin, au moins on ne me l'a pas offert gratuitement.
Quand même, ça me fait toujours le même effet de voir de la crème anti
vieillissement (comme si c'était physiquement possible) dans une
boutique: maintenant je la vois, je la remarque.Horreur et fatalité: c'est ma fête bientôt et on est en train de me dire que je vieillis. Memento Mori et tout ça.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Tea in Brittany
I would not say I have rediscovered tea in Brittany, but I certainly drink far more of it since I am here. It occured to me that I drink about three or four times in a day, including evenings, and that I do not feel remotely nervous when going to bed. I sleep soundly anyway. Which I find amazing. Anyway, I am spoiled: look at the lovely mprovised tea set I receive every time my mother-in-law makes tea. A nice transparent tea pot and the most gorgeous tea mug, made by a local artesan. In fact, just for the cheer pleasure of drinking in this mug, I drink more tea.
À la recherche des korrigans
Je me suis rendu compte aujourd'hui que je n'ai pas du tout blogué sur les mythes et légendes bretonnes depuis que je suis ici et que je n'ai pas blogué à propos des korrigans depuis des années. En fait, pas depuis que j'ai écrit ce billet sur Nimble. Alors bon, je songeais à ça car je suis à la recherche de korrigans. Pour décoration, comme compagnon de Nimble, ou alors dans les bouquins. J'ai déjà acheté un bouquin de contes les mettant parfois (souvent?) en scène. J'en réécrirai plus à ce sujet. Je suis allé visiter un dolmen aujourd'hui, un de leurs lieux de résidence (voir l'encadré à gauche), ça m'a mis les korrigans à l'esprit.
An omelette for Easter lunch
Quick post about this year's Easter, which came and went a bit quickly. This is the omelette I made for Easter lunch, to share wiht ma wife and my parents-in-law. Nothing fancy: a few eggs, a bit of milk, some local cheese and chives from the garden. I now have omelettes every Easter, because my wife wouldn't let me have lamb and because it is easier to share an omelette with a vegetarian (her) and some quasi vegetarians (my in-laws). Anyway, it was not my best omelette, but I was nevertheless quite happy with the results. And I think doing something with eggs for an Easter meal makes sense thematically.
Les Bonnets Rouges
Signe que le printemps est bien arrivé, à tout le moins en Bretagne: on peut rester dans le jardin et y lire et boire. En ce moment, je fais une razzia dans les bières artisanales bretonnes de la Brasserie Lancelot. Dont la/les Bonnets Rouges, qui est une bière aux baies de sureau, elle est donc et par conséquent rafraîchissante et est idéale une journée chaude. En général je bois peu de bières aux fruits. Parce qu'elles sont un peu traîtresses, étant très faciles à boire avec leur goût de... jus de fruit. Aussi parce que je préfère les bières qui goûtent pleinement la bière. Je trouve les fruits une distraction. Cela dit, une journée comme on en a ces temps-ci, dans le jardin, la/les Bonnets Rouges est idéale et je la bois sans honte.
Monday, 6 April 2015
The cry of the buzzards
Since I came here in Brittany, I have been enjoying the garden wildlife. Mainly the birds, which are not that often seen, but are very much heard. There are some cries that are very distinctive. One was a shriek, something brief but piercing. My mother-in-law told me they were buzzards, who have nests in the woods nearby. I hope to take a look at these nests and maybe see the buzzards before the end of our holidays.
Le clavier infernal
Je tape sur un clavier pour bloguer qui est très lent. C'est pourquoi mes billets sont ces temps-ci courts et un tantinet télégraphiques. Et c'est aussi pourquoi je ne mets pour le moment aucun lien. Je suis donc un peu à l'âge de pierre du blogue. Enfin bref, je voulais juste dire que c'est pourquoi j'écris aussi brièvement.
Easter came too quickly?
This is what I have been asking myself today. Easter came and went yesterday. We are Easter Monday and it is a bank holiday. A pleasant enough day, but I feel like Easter was over too quickly. It is said of every holiday, I know, but unlike other holidays Easter is at a different date, a slightly different time of year every year. So it can be too early. This year I thought it was at the right time, until it happened. Maybe I did not work hard enough on it. I don't know. But I cannot complain: I have a few more days to enjoy my free time. And you, how was your Easter? Do you think it happened too quickly?
Les coups de bec du pic-bois
Depuis mon arrivée en Bretagne, je suis réveillé chaque matin par les oiseaux du jardin. Il y a là toute une voilière et je compte bloguer sur le sujet pour chaque espèce que je peux reconnaître. Et le premier oiseau que j'ai reconnu est le pic-bois, pas par son chant mais par son coup de bec. Tak-tak, tak-tak-tak, c'est presque mécanique. Je ne l'ai pas vu, mais je l'ai entendu. C'est d'ailleurs la première fois que j'en entends un en personne.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Of tea and trains
My wife and I are on holidays for Easter. Which reminds me, where are my manners: happyEaster everyone. But it means we traveled yesterday when major travel disruptions caused by works on the trainline. We spent most of our journey in buses, uncomfortable ones, than on the train. On the plus side, and I was happily surprised they were that thoughtful: they were serving free tea and coffee for the weary travelers. On a cold day, it was most welcome. Rarely a cuppa ever tasted so good.
En direct de la Bretagne
Je blogue de la Bretagne. Aussitôt que j'ai compris comment fonctionne le clavier, je vous reviens. Au moins on dirait que je contrôle assez la bête pour y ajouter les accents.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Bagels and salmon for Good Friday
The bagel on these pictures comes from St-Viateur. Well of course, I am not the kind of expat who eats a bagel from anywhere else. Because bagels here and outside Montreal are a joke. Anyway, today is Good Friday, which means that I will eat fish. Out of tradition rather than devotion. I think putting fish on the menu on Friday is a perfect reason in itself to eat more fish, which is maybe the healthiest type of meat, and what more pleasant way to eat fish than as smoked salmon in a authentic, proper bagel that comes from Montreal. I don't fast often, but when I do, it is in a decadent way.
When I was in Montreal, this is what I would have at every Good Friday and in many "ordinary" Fridays too, as a treat. I cannot remember when I started doing it, I think it was Easter 1997, but once I did, I never stopped: I bought my bagels and salmon at St-Viateur on the day, then had them for dinner. Sometimes lunch too. In England, I tried to follow it, but the bagels here are so vile that I abandoned the tradition quickly. Instead I had fish and chips or some other fish. When I went back to Montreal, I resumed the tradition with bagels and smoked salmon. This year, as I have some stock of proper bagels, I will resume it. Feasting and fasting sometimes go hand in hand.
When I was in Montreal, this is what I would have at every Good Friday and in many "ordinary" Fridays too, as a treat. I cannot remember when I started doing it, I think it was Easter 1997, but once I did, I never stopped: I bought my bagels and salmon at St-Viateur on the day, then had them for dinner. Sometimes lunch too. In England, I tried to follow it, but the bagels here are so vile that I abandoned the tradition quickly. Instead I had fish and chips or some other fish. When I went back to Montreal, I resumed the tradition with bagels and smoked salmon. This year, as I have some stock of proper bagels, I will resume it. Feasting and fasting sometimes go hand in hand.
Le loup-garou de Louis Fréchette
C'est vendredi saint et j'ai pensé vous offrir un conte québécois pour le souligner. Il ne se passe pas dans le temps de Pâques, mais je l'associe quand même à Pâques pour une raison précise. Voyez-vous, dans le folklore catholique québécois, quelqu'un qui ne va pas se confesser et ne fait pas ses Pâques (aller à la communion à Pâques) risque de devenir loup-garou. On dit alors qu'il court le loup-garou. Ce qui fait que j'associe les histoires de loups-garous québécois à Pâques, dont Le loup-garou de Louis Fréchette. C'est l'un de mes contes québécois préférés. Malheureusement, je crois que la version que j'ai trouvée est abrégée: il manque un épisode complet où une mère de famille et ses enfants rencontrent le loup-garou. Enfin, même sans ça, c'est vraiment un conte fascinant. Vous pouvez en lire plus sur le sujet des loups-garous québécois ici. Et dites-moi ce que vous avez pensé du conte. En attendant, je vous signale que je ne fais plus mes Pâques et que je ne vais plus à la confesse depuis des décennies. Je dis ça comme ça.
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Easter at the door
Question existentielle (257)
Bon, c'est Jeudi saint, Pâques arrive bientôt. Je songeais écrire un billet sur mes souvenirs du Jeudi saint (de mon enfance catholique il va sans dire) ainsi que mes impressions sur la journée, mais je suis un peu fatigué. Tout de même, c'est Jeudi saint, alors allons-y pour une question existentielle:
-Quels sont vos souvenirs du Jeudi saint?
-Quels sont vos souvenirs du Jeudi saint?
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
"Blood for Baal! Blood for Baal!"
Does anyone know where I got the quote I used for this post's title from? Today, in case nobody's noticed, is April Fool's Day. Also incidentally the first day of April, but nobody cares about it. I associate the day a lot with an episode of the season 4 of The Simpsons, called So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show. For a clip show, it was actually brilliant. It was also set on April Fool's Day and after. At the beginning of the episode, Lisa explains the origins of the day, saying it came from Pagans. Cut to a flashbacks of the family, as primitives, dancing around an idol and chanting... Yes, "Blood for Baal! Blood for Baal!" If you are in the US, you can see the clip here. If not, you can read the story here. I am sorry I could not find a video to go with this post. For some reasons I have not quite grasped, I found this bit absolutely hilarious and it never fails to crack me up. Something about seeing America's most famous and most loved middle class family worshiping the god/demon Baal. It doesn't get any funnier than this.
Boisson d'avril
De l'Écosse au Lac Champlain
Y'a des images mais on voit rien
Pendant qu'les crédules font la file
D'autres sirotent leur boisson d'avril
Nous sommes le premier avril, jour du Poisson d'avril. C'est une tradition irrégulière sur Vraie Fiction, je télécharge aujourd'hui pour souligner Boisson d'avril de Groovy Aardvark. Parce que je bloguais récemment sur des sujets cryptozoologiques et légendaires et sur les monstres lacustres (ici et ici, par exemple), et cette chanson porte là dessus aussi. Parce que souvent les canulars commencent des rêves éthyliques. Les poissons d'avril aussi.
Y'a des images mais on voit rien
Pendant qu'les crédules font la file
D'autres sirotent leur boisson d'avril
Nous sommes le premier avril, jour du Poisson d'avril. C'est une tradition irrégulière sur Vraie Fiction, je télécharge aujourd'hui pour souligner Boisson d'avril de Groovy Aardvark. Parce que je bloguais récemment sur des sujets cryptozoologiques et légendaires et sur les monstres lacustres (ici et ici, par exemple), et cette chanson porte là dessus aussi. Parce que souvent les canulars commencent des rêves éthyliques. Les poissons d'avril aussi.