Wednesday 11 February 2015

Remembering Montreal in February

I have a nasty cold that is, like all nasty colds I have, particularly nasty. And long. My colds last forever. Which reminded me, like trivial things often do, about something of my past. I usually catch a cold in February, it is like a yearly doom. I remember particularly the ones I had in Montreal. Because the cold, wet and nasty air of Montreal winters is particularly nasty. And it is also very grey this time of year. See the picture, taken on the Boulevard Saint-Laurent. I spent most of the month of February back there sneezing, coughing, wishing I had more time to sleep and finding the journeys from the apartment to university and back little bit of torture. I told you, winter in Montreal is nasty when you have a cold. But when you are inside it's OK. So anyway, I haven't seen Montreal in February since 2006. It is not my favourite month, there or anywhere else. But I find the month more enjoyable in Montreal. Maybe it is the homesickness speaking, I don't know.


  1. Février, c'est un peu le mois de la sloche et du sel ... ça ne me manque pas du tout!

  2. It is the grey that makes it difficult. well the cold and the grey.
