Thursday 18 December 2014

Frosty England

This picture was taken a few days by a local resident for the Facebook page of the town where I live. I saved it, as usual shamelessly, so I could share it on this blog. you see a frosty pathway by the Thames. The temperature was quite cold at the beginning of the week, for England anyway. I thought it was a beautiful picture, of a typical frosty English winter morning.


  1. How I would like to visit England! The likelihood of that happening is very slim, however. I love to see pictures like this one.

  2. this picture is gorgeous! i wish we would get some snow here soon!

  3. I lie this picture, snow make the picture awesome

  4. C'est joli, il fait pas mal chaud à Paris en ce moment : 10-12° C, on est pas près d'avoir du givre!
