Saturday 11 October 2014

The fiery autumns from home

My father sent me many pictures taken long the Saguenay river, near a little village named Sainte-Rose-du-Nord. The Saguenay region is where I come from, where I grew up. And I never saw autumns like there, with such fiery colours. It is one of the things I am proud about, even though I cannot take the credit for it, as I mentioned here. In any case, I wanted to share more autumnal pictures here, so here is another one. As my youngest brother mentioned on Facebook: "Our region of birth, as long as we don't take into accounts its politicians, is damn hot." I think this deserves to be a great unknown line.


  1. Looking beautiful at your fathers. The leaves have been falling here, very fast in the last week,3006 much to my dismay. I want them to hang on as long as possible.

  2. The changing leaves is one of my favourites parts of autumn. Here this weekend, they are at their peak.
