Tuesday 28 October 2014

Out of pumpkin chai

Quick countdown to Halloween post for tonight and I announce a tragedy, or at least a dramatic moment: I am out of David's Tea's pumpkin chai. My tea for autumn and for Halloween. I drank all that was left of it last Sunday. Now I am completely out of stocks. I guess I should not complain: I still have my Halloween perfect mug, with its spooky design. But drinking something else than pumpkin chai is, well, not the same.


  1. Il faudrait vraiment que David's tea ouvre des succursales à l'étranger!

  2. I suppose you could always make your own.

    A little black tea, some cardamom pods, chipped cinnamon, all spice berries, cloves, ginger, and peppercorn.

    ...I better go grab a mug now.

  3. At least you ran out on the 28th, rather than the 8th. :)
