Tuesday 21 October 2014

Eerie Autumn

I could have chosen a dozen topics for tonight's countdown to Halloween post. But it is the temperature that truly inspired me today. It was cold. Not in the morning, but the temperature dropped during the day. It was mostly sunny, but with bits of clouds and rain, and thunder was even heard once. In the evening, walking home, daylights were already dim past six o'clock. The wind was blowing, there were leaves on the ground, I just stood there a moment, enjoying the eeriness of this small English town, wondering what monster could come off from the shadows of the trees or the old buildings, or from the shrubberies. A thousand horror stories could be written with this town as a setting and this day or this evening as the time. An ideal time for Halloween and an inspiring one too. It was just one of these moments when I could feel both the season and Samhain. So this is it for tonight's countdown to Halloween post. No picture, no video. Just a bit of rambling about a beautiful, deliciously eerie day.


  1. you just described my most favorite part of fall. i love these days! to me, this is perfect weather.

  2. Sounds much like one of the days I just had up in the Blue Ridge Mountains north of Asheville. Rainy, overcast, foggy...moody, brooding and mystical! Autumn Perfection!

  3. Classic late October. And much like the weather here during the past couple of days. :)
