Sunday 3 August 2014

About August

Something struck me today: since the beginning of August I do not have the blues of August yet. I am usually struck with melancholy in August, but so far none. Maybe because the August blues is due to childhood memories: it is the last month of school holidays and you always had that feeling of ending summer and back to school. Now I appreciate August more because it is a transitional month (as I mentioned recently), a month about ending summer and when autumn, my favourite season, starts looming already. As a child, I had a growing feeling of gloom as August went on. Not so much now, at least at this time. It might change if something triggers childhood memories. But for now, August is the summer month leading to autumn. And I am almost surprised I feel like this.


  1. Thank you for your visits and comments to my blog! Yum! A blueberry pie you were baking! I've one in the freezer, waiting to come out when we have company later.

  2. august used to bum me out until i started using it as the beginning of fall. now i enjoy it!

  3. @Nellie-Thank you for commenting on mine!
    @Jaz-August is not quite the beginning of autumn, but it does feel like it sometimes. I guess it can go either way.
