Friday 13 June 2014

Black cats, full moon and Friday the 13th

This is not the best picture of Odin, but I had to upload a new one as it is Friday the 13th and it would not be Friday the 13th without a black cat. Sadly, Odin is no more with us in the flesh and his ashes are on the mantelpiece. But we have many pictures to remember him, including this one. It is a very special Friday the 13th today. Not because it is the only one of the year 2014, although that does make it special. But because it is also a full moon. Next time will be on August 13th, 2049. Full moons are the time of werewolves usually, but a black cat will do all the same, especially since I associated Odin with the full moon, what with his left eye that looked like one. And I understand the irony of showing a picture where you don't see it. See this picture for a better view of his lovely feline face. And happy Friday the 13th and full moon.


  1. Unfortunately, I fear the clouds will obscure the moon here tonight. I will not be around for the next Friday 13th/full moon combo, as I was born in 1940. Of course, there have been those who have lived to be 109. Perhaps I will be one of those.

  2. Happy Friday 13th Full Moon to you and yours Guillaume...and to the late Odin as well! The viewing here in Florida should be grand tonight, perfect for a Moondance!

  3. @Nellie-I miss most of the full moon too, as it got cloudy (and stormy).
    @Artful Gypsy-Thanks! I hope you enjoyed yours.
