Monday 26 May 2014

Springwatch is on tonight

A quick post to remind every people living in the UK that the new season of Springwatch is on tonight on BBC2, at eight o'clock. As May is about to end, I find it late in spring to have a show featuring seasonal changes to British wildlife, but at least it is still on and I intend to watch it eagerly. I have uploaded here a picture I took at the Natural History Museum. It is of a stuffed barn owl, one of the many stars of the show. I love owls, as my long-time readers know, so it is one of my favourite of the stars of Springwatch and I hope we see plenty of them this season.


  1. Oops! I sense a bit of difficulty typing in that text in the box below. I see no text!:-)

    This sounds like an excellent show. We do have about three to four more weeks before the official first day of spring.

  2. @nellie-It is an amazing show.
    @Mantan-In a way yes, although now British TV is mostly brainless trash.
