Monday 31 March 2014

A brief Italian moment

There is a small event that made my day today, or at least my morning. As I was entering the station, there was an Italian family, the father, the mother and the three children (at least three) and the kids were taking quite a lot of space and I could move forward. Their mother asked them to move and then tell me: "sorry". Walking through, I said: "Scusate". I was breathless and still half asleep, as I am every Monday, but the mother asked me, in Italian: "Are you from Italy or Québec?" I had to say, in a bad mix of Italian and English (as I was breathless and half asleep), that I was from Québec. It made me quite happy to see I could 1)pass as an Italian, again and 2)that there is such a thing as a Québec accent, even in the Italian language. I tried to ask her how she knew I was from Québec, but I don't think her English was very good, and then I didn't want to bother her longer. So that was my Italian moment.


  1. It seems so random to ask someone if they're Italian or from Quebec ... I wonder what made her think of Quebec!
