Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
An Italian moment in Montreal
Here is another Montreal moment, with an Italian flavour. Today, I was having lunch at Aux Vivres, next to a family of four, with two youngish parents and their children, one baby and one slightly older than a toddler. This one, when I sat at the table, looked at me and said something in Italian, in a very commanding tone: "Everybody must eat!" He kept on saying it, poiting at me, the people around and the food in his plate. He was a very sociable little fellow. I asked him in Italian if he was Italian and he got shy. Anyway, I had a bit of a chat with the parents, the father is Italian and the mother Quebecker, so the son mixes the two languages. I think he may have got confused as his mother speak in her mothertongue to him, like probably most people he sees in Montreal. Anecdotal moral of this anecdotal story: I end up speaking Italian in the most unexpected places.
Question existentielle (216)
Je reviens d'une longue promenade et j'ai vu pleins de monde avec des manteaux arborant le hibou/la chouette de Kanuk. J'ai donc une question existentielle à ce propos:
-Est-ce que Kanuk est la marque de manteau la plus représentative de Montréal?
-Est-ce que Kanuk est la marque de manteau la plus représentative de Montréal?
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
That darn shiver!
Well, darn it, it seems to happen every bleeding trip! I have the shiver again. I had planned my day and evening already, knew exactly where to go, I ended up spending most of it inside and doing very little. Let's hope I get better for tomorrow.
À propos de Qwert Yuiop
Tiens, je n'ai pas blogué sur les claviers Qwert Yuiop depuis que je suis au Québec. J'écris donc ce blogue sur un clavier Qwert Yuiop. Bien entendu, il y a les accents dessus, mais ces accents ne sont jamais exactement situés aux mêmes endroits selon les claviers Qwert: les accents n'ont pas besoin de la fonction Shift sur le clavier que j'utilise, la cédille non plus, mais l'accent circonflexe a besoin d'une petite manipulation pour être ajouté à la voyelle et je ne trouve toujours pas le tréma. Je me demande bien comment les variations sont pensées sur un clavier, si elles sont explicables par l'âge de celui-ci ou un autre critère.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Mozart's Birthday
It is Mozart's Girl who reminded me today on Facebook: today is the 258th birthday of Mozart. 258 years, and still the greatest. So anyway, this year I haven't missed it. But how to celebrate, this is always a bit tricky. As I came to Mozart through his operas mainly, and since he is as far as I'm concerned the greatest opera composer, bare none, it made sense that I upload an aria from his operas. I know I already chose Una donna a quindici anni from Cosi fan tutte before, but as I talked to my godson about Danielle de Niese, this is the one that came to my mind. Happy birthday maestro. You are the best.
Trouver Quinze pour cent
Petite découverte lors de mon voyage de Chicoutimi à Montréal aujourd'hui: une jeune fille dans l'autobus lisait Quinze pour cent de Samuel Archibald. Ironiquement, je ne savais même pas qu'il avait été publié. Je ne suis pas au fait des récentes publications policières québécoises, ce qui est honteux, surtout que Sam est mon cousin. Alors durant mes derniers jours à Montréal, je vais m'efforcer de le trouver et de l'ajouter à ma bibliothèque.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Snow and ice
Sometimes, I re-learn the hard way what it means to live in the North, in the wintery land that is the Saguenay, evenif I am originally from here. I took a walk earlier in the afternoon. I had taken a much longer one yesterday, which I had found pleasant enough. However, since yesterday, the temperature had dropped a few degrees, the way was very icy and there was a nasty wind that would freeze every bit of uncovered skin. I had very warm clothes, but the top of my face was of course uncovered. Facing the wind, it felt like walking through an icy hell. And it is not even the coldest winter I have experienced. I got soft, I guess.
Le poids des années
J'ai vu un ami hier, un que j'ai depuis l'adolescence. Nous sommes en contact via Facebook, mais je le vois très rarement et je ne l'avais pas vu depuis quelques années. La première chose qu'il m'a dite en me voyant c'est: "T'as pas changé, sauf que comme moi tu as le visage plus rond". Une autre façon de dire que j'avais pris du poids. D'où mon calembour atroce dans le titre de ce billet. tout de même, on se sent vieillir quand on entend un truc du genre. Je connais encore des amis de la même époque qui n'ont littéralement pas changé, même pas un peu grisonné.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Nordic Tea Mugs
My readers know that I am a big fan of David's Tea, which I visit regularly when I am in Montreal. I have already purchased not only one, but two perfect tea mugs. Now I discovered in my latest visits to their shops that they have a nordic tea mugs, more or less the same model than their perfect ones, but larger. I don't know if they are more perfect than the perfect ones, nevertheless they have the same basic use: the lid keeps the heat and can be used for the infuser. I know I may be a sucker, but I now want to buy the Green Pine Nordic Tea Mug. It just looks perfect for winter. I often thought about owning a mug for every season and this one looks like a winter one.
L'hiver saguenéen et moi
Depuis mon arrivée à Chicoutimi, à cause du froid sibérien au Saguenay, je ne suispas sorti ou presque de la maison, suaf pour voir mon filleul et sa famille avant-hier. Littéralement, le froid m'a poussé à la réclusion. Ca m'arrive souvent avec la température, en Angleterre c'est en général la pluie diluvienne qui me pousse à rester à l'intérieur. Mais le froid sibérien, je croyais y être au moins partiellement immunisé, vu que je viens d'ici. Enfin du Saguenay, pas de la Sibérie, bien que parfois l'on puisse confondre l'autre.
The British Monarchy Explained (and why we need a republic)
You might already know that Queen Elizabeth was going to give more responsibilities (sic) to her son. I say responsibilities, yet in essence, the royals have none whatsoever, except some protocolary functions. It reminded me of why I am a republican. This bit of news is a good excuse as any to upload here a brilliant video I recently found on YouTube. It explains what is the British Monarchy and why it sucks to have it, and it debunks all the lazy arguments monarchists usually bring forward to justify the existence of this anachronistic and antidemocratic institution.
Friday, 24 January 2014
La redécouverte des gâteaux Vachon
Un détail qui m'a frappé aujourd'hui en ce qui concerne mes retours au Québec: je mange des gâteaux Vachon au moins une fois dans mon séjour, en général dans l'autobus qui me mène de Montréal à Chicoutimi ou de Chicoutimi à Montréal. J'avais pris cette photo de mille feuilles il y a deux ans. En général, je préfère leurs gâteaux au caramel, mais je sais que ce n'est pas une panacée dans les deux cas, ce ne sont pas de grands desserts, loin s'en faut. En fait, c'est du sucre et du gras. Sauf que j'aime bien les retrouver au moins une fois à mon retour, ça fait pour ainsi dire partie du paysage gastronomique (hum, hum!) québécois.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Arthur Guinness
Something I was reminded of on Facebook: today is the anniversary of the death of Arthur Guinness, the founder of well, the Guinness Brewery. I don't drink Guinness as often as I used to, as often as I should really, nevertheless, as Guinness was during my twenties the companion of many, many nights, I wanted to pay homage to the Irish entrepreneur. I very rarely pay homage to businessmen, but this one deserves it.
Un polar dont vous êtes le héros?
Ah, les trouvailles que l'on peut faire dans les librairies de seconde main! J'ai trouvé Fatale Liaison de Jean-Hugues Oppell dans une bouquinerie à Montréal. Il est présenté comme "Un polar dont vous êtes les héros" et c'est publié par Rivages. Ayant passé mon enfance à lire des livres dont vous êtes le héros, il a fallu que j'achète ce drôle d'animal. La couverture avec la femme fatale est classique, mais le ton du livre est franchement parodique, se moquant gentiment des clichés et des lieux communs du genre (le détective privé, la violence urbaine, la mission banale qui devient vite plus sinistre, etc.). C'est une lecture plaisante qui décrispe les gencives. Cela dit, je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander de quoi aurait l'air un pareil livre dont vous êtes le héros si c'était pas un hommage parodique.Tout de même, une intéressante trouvaille.
The Bear and the Maiden Fair
Since the beginning of my trip and because it has eben freezing outside, I watched the third season of Game of Thrones in a marathon. It made me discover The Bear and the Maiden Fair, a bawdy song about, well, a bear and a maiden. I found a cover on Facebook that I really enjoy and thought I would upload it here.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
En direct de Chicoutimi
Je suis en ce moment à Chicoutimi, là où l'eau est profonde, dans la maison familiale. Ah, les vacances.
Monday, 20 January 2014
A Montreal moment
I had lunch at the Binerie Mont-Royal today. It has been a long time. Apart from the food, which was delicious (more on it on another blog), I enjoyed talking to the clients and staff. There were a few people, including two originating from Toronto, an artist woman and a blue collar guy, the woman addicted to the French toasts (she said this to the owner), and the other who had just discovered the place and was loving it. There was also an old lady who came to buy some beans and a sugar pie. I found it quite funny, as I am no more a Montrealer, but they all talked to me as if I was a regular. In a way, I was a Montrealer again, for an hour or so. So I cherished this moment. But the owner did not call me young man, sadly, as I used to be called there, back in the 90s. It was still a perfect moment.
C'est l'heure où je me réveille chaque matin, ou à peu près, depuis le début de mes vacances. Peu importe à celle où je me couche. Je ne me plaindrai pas du décalage-horaire: même si je me sens dans le coton, il est moins pire d'est en ouest, d'une part, et me permet de profiter au maximum de mes journées ici, d'autre part.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
A crime novel set in Montreal
The treasures one can find in seond-hand bookshops. Even new novels, it seems. I am on holidays in Montreal, and this morning I went around on the avenue Mont-Royal.My first stop was in the nearest second-hand bookshop I could find. They seem to have flourished since the time when I was living here, there are many more anyway. And I saw in the English section Miss Montreal by Howard Shrier. I think I had read about it before, from the Thrilling Detective website entry on Jonah Geller, the main character. I bought the book immediately. Montreal is maybe the most underrepresented and underrated city in crime fiction, yet the ideal setting for it (read here for my views on this). So I am so glad I find one where this city, my city, is featured proheminently.
Matinée montréalaise
Je suis à Montréal en vacances depuis hier soir. Je me suis donc réveillé aujourd'hui à sept heures, je suis dans le coton, mais j'ai pu refaire l'expérience d'une matinée dominicale et hivernal montréalaise. Les commerces ouvrent tard, mais ils ouvrent, il y a une neige douce qui tombe, c'est moins trois ou à peu près et c'est très agréable.
Friday, 17 January 2014
One Hand Clapping (replay)
I have blogged about One Hand Clapping, the novel by Anthony Burgess and and the play adaptation by Lucia Cox and House of Orphans often before. I was enthusiastic about it, so much so that Lucia Cox wrote on Facebook: "We should make you head of marketing." This is good enough to be a great unknown line. Well, anyway, they are showing it again at The Lowry, on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of January, so if you are either living in Manchester, or near Manchester, or if you are nearby around these dates, I encourage you, no I urge you to go and watch it. The story is about the disintegration of culture and education in consumerism. I am leaving you here two videos, the first one is the monologue at the beginning of the play, told by Eve Burley who plays Janet. And the second one is an interview with Lucia Cox about the play itself. As a failed thespian, I envy the actors who participated in this one.
Et de 54 (deux fois)
Ben tiens, je me rencontre que j'ai un(e) autre lecteur(trice): Pascarol (amalgame de Pascal et Carol, bien entendu). Je crois que c'est la photo du mois qui les a attiré ici. Comme quoi malgré toute la douleur que j'ai eu à trouver une photo pour une photo au thème que j'avais pourtant choisi, cette photo m'a donné une certain exposure. Je souhaite la bienvenue sur Vraie Fiction au couple.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Memories of Odin
I did not blog about Odin in ages, when I do now it is always with a great deal of sadness. And I know I already wrote his eulogy. Nevertheless, because I think about him constantly and because I spent far more time with him than I wrote about when he was alive, I have decided to do it again. Today is the full moon, and it reminded me of him. Because he was a very nocturnal cat and nicknamed sometimes Moon Shadow and because his left eye, all pearly white, reminded me of a full moon. Basically, a lot of things remind me of him: the darkness, like his fur, the moon and every place he has been around the block and in the apartment.
Because yes, by the end of his life, Odin was really a resident here and pretty much the lord of the manor (to the consent of his owners, I would add, so nobody would think I stole him). It all started surreptitiously really. One night it was raining so he was brought upstairs for a bit, then one night it was cold, then he ended up spending the night here. Odin quickly took over this place, as you can see. He made his ease on the sofa, used to sit on the very laptop I am typing this post when I was reading or watching TV, meowed for food or cuddles (even though his owners said he was the silent type, he had become very mouthy as of late). He never spent a full night here, until the American-French couple who had him said that their Homer had found new owners and seemed happier with the people here than with them. They were somewhat saddened I think, but then again they have two other cats and a dog, so were happy to have a bit less of their hands full. But I think when it all comes down to it, it was Odin's decision. Funny how cats make their way into people's life. So I was for a little while a cat owner.
Because yes, by the end of his life, Odin was really a resident here and pretty much the lord of the manor (to the consent of his owners, I would add, so nobody would think I stole him). It all started surreptitiously really. One night it was raining so he was brought upstairs for a bit, then one night it was cold, then he ended up spending the night here. Odin quickly took over this place, as you can see. He made his ease on the sofa, used to sit on the very laptop I am typing this post when I was reading or watching TV, meowed for food or cuddles (even though his owners said he was the silent type, he had become very mouthy as of late). He never spent a full night here, until the American-French couple who had him said that their Homer had found new owners and seemed happier with the people here than with them. They were somewhat saddened I think, but then again they have two other cats and a dog, so were happy to have a bit less of their hands full. But I think when it all comes down to it, it was Odin's decision. Funny how cats make their way into people's life. So I was for a little while a cat owner.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Un (la photo du mois)
Cette photo du mois était très particulière pour moi, parce que j'ai choisi le thème: Un. Un comme, bien un. J'aurais pu d'abord choisir la photo et ensuite trouver un thème qui va avec. Au lieu de ça, je me suis compliqué la vie: j'ai voulu trouver un thème inspirant et il m'a donné bien des maux de têtes. J'ai donc pris plusieurs clichés, en tentant d'en trouver un (ha, ha, ha!) qui puisse fonctionner avec le thème. J'ai pensé à une autre photo d'Odin, qui n'avait qu'un oeil, mais deux fois de suite, ça aurait été paresseux. Et puis finalement, j'ai choisi cette photo d'une corneille, ou d'un corbeau, enfin un corvidé. Outre que c'est un oiseau seul sur cette photo, sans congénère, un brin solitaire, donc, il y a certaines raisons plus obscures pour avoir choisi cette photo en particulier plutôt qu'une autre. Comme nous sommes en janvier, le début de l'année, je présente un oiseau doté de don de prophétie, selon bien des folklores. On peut donc associer l'oiseau au mois de janvier, le mois de l'année qui s'en vient (okay, bon, c'est tiré par les cheveux, je l'avoue). Le noir de son plumage dénote ou bien l'absence totale de couleurs, ou bien l'absorbtion de toutes les couleurs. Dans les deux cas, c'est une couleur unique, enfin distincte de toutes les autres. Le noir est la couleur de la distinction: on parle de roman noir, de série noire, d'humour noir, de mouton noir, de bête noire, de broyer du noir, etc. C'est notamment à cause de la distinction du noir, d'ailleurs, que je préfère les chats noirs aux autres (Odin aurait vraiment été parfait si je ne l'avais pas pris pour sujet en décembre). Et là le corbeau, ou la corneille, enfin le corvidé, est une tache noire sur un fond vert, brun, bleu... Seul, solitaire, unique.
Bon, si jamais je choisis un prochain thème, ce sera l'arroseur arrosé. D'ici là, vous pouvez voir ce qu'ont trouvé les autres:
A'icha, Agathe, Agnès, Akaieric, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Angélique, Ann, Anne, Anne-Laure, AnneLaureT, Arwen, Ava, Béa, Bestofava, BiGBuGS, Blogoth67, Calamonique, Cara, Cécile - Une quadra, Cécile Atch'oum, Cekoline, Céline in Paris, CetO, Champagne, Chat bleu, Chloé, Christophe, Claire's Blog, Cocosophie, Crearine, Cricriyom from Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Dr. CaSo, dreamtravelshoot, E, El Padawan, Elodie, eSlovénie, Eurydice, Fanfan Raccoon, Filamots, FloRie, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galinette, Gilsoub, Giselle 43, Gizeh, Grenobloise, Guillaume, hibiscus, Homeos-tasie, Hypeandcie, Ileana, InGrenoble, Isa de fromSide2Side, Isa ToutSimplement, Isaquarel, J'adore j'adhère, Josiane, Julie, KK-huète En Bretannie, Krn, La Dum, La Fille de l'Air, La Nantaise à Paris, LaRoux, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laurent Nicolas, Lavandine, Lavandine83, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, LisaDeParis, Louisianne, Lucile et Rod, Lyonelk, magda627, Mahlyn, Mamysoren, Maria Graphia, Marie, Marie-Charlotte, MauriceMonAmour, Mes ptits plats, Mimireliton, MissCarole, Morgane Byloos Photography, Nicky, Nie, Oscara, Photo Tuto, Pica Moye, Pilisi, Pixeline, princesse Emalia, Renepaulhenry, Rythme Indigo, Sailortoshyo, SecretAiko, Sephiraph, Sophie Rififi, Stephane08, Tataflo, Testinaute, Thalie, The Parisienne, The Singapore Miminews, Thib, Ti' Piment, Trousse cadette, Tuxana, Un jour, une vie, Une niçoise, Vanilla, Violette, Viviane, Wolverine, Woocares, Xoliv', Zaza
Bon, si jamais je choisis un prochain thème, ce sera l'arroseur arrosé. D'ici là, vous pouvez voir ce qu'ont trouvé les autres:
A'icha, Agathe, Agnès, Akaieric, Alban, Alexinparis, Alice Wonderland, Angélique, Ann, Anne, Anne-Laure, AnneLaureT, Arwen, Ava, Béa, Bestofava, BiGBuGS, Blogoth67, Calamonique, Cara, Cécile - Une quadra, Cécile Atch'oum, Cekoline, Céline in Paris, CetO, Champagne, Chat bleu, Chloé, Christophe, Claire's Blog, Cocosophie, Crearine, Cricriyom from Paris, Dame Skarlette, DelphineF, Dr. CaSo, dreamtravelshoot, E, El Padawan, Elodie, eSlovénie, Eurydice, Fanfan Raccoon, Filamots, FloRie, François le Niçois, Frédéric, Galinette, Gilsoub, Giselle 43, Gizeh, Grenobloise, Guillaume, hibiscus, Homeos-tasie, Hypeandcie, Ileana, InGrenoble, Isa de fromSide2Side, Isa ToutSimplement, Isaquarel, J'adore j'adhère, Josiane, Julie, KK-huète En Bretannie, Krn, La Dum, La Fille de l'Air, La Nantaise à Paris, LaRoux, Lau* des montagnes, Laulinea, Laurent Nicolas, Lavandine, Lavandine83, Les bonheurs d'Anne & Alex, LisaDeParis, Louisianne, Lucile et Rod, Lyonelk, magda627, Mahlyn, Mamysoren, Maria Graphia, Marie, Marie-Charlotte, MauriceMonAmour, Mes ptits plats, Mimireliton, MissCarole, Morgane Byloos Photography, Nicky, Nie, Oscara, Photo Tuto, Pica Moye, Pilisi, Pixeline, princesse Emalia, Renepaulhenry, Rythme Indigo, Sailortoshyo, SecretAiko, Sephiraph, Sophie Rififi, Stephane08, Tataflo, Testinaute, Thalie, The Parisienne, The Singapore Miminews, Thib, Ti' Piment, Trousse cadette, Tuxana, Un jour, une vie, Une niçoise, Vanilla, Violette, Viviane, Wolverine, Woocares, Xoliv', Zaza
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
The detox range of David's Tea
I blogged at the beginning of the month about my use of tea for detox. I mentioned again David's Tea, THE discovery I made during my last trip to Montreal. Well, I discovered that they have a whole collection of detox teas. Well, they are not all strictly speaking teas, some are herbal infusions (not my cup... of tea) and some are rooibos, but they are hot beverages for detox and some look delicious. I intend to stock myself with them during my next trip to Montreal. I cannot believe it, but it seems that I am turning into a tea snob. Then there is another reason for me to want to purchase them: I need something that will cure me from future hangover. So this is my next objective: find the perfect detox tea.
Les gants élégants
Je pensais mettre un clip des Bleu Poudre hier, mais j'étais tellement fatigué que finalement je n'ai pas blogué. Alors enfin bref, un peu d'humour pour dégriser votre semaine, avec un classique instantané de Ghislain Taschereau et son alter ego Dave Ash.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
I don't like Sundays in general, but this one really takes the cake for being so darn grey and dreary and prone to melancholia. While yesterday had a lovely sun and made me want to go out to take some neat snapshots, today was cold and wet and very, very grey. This is not my favourite kind of day to end the weekend, but then again however Sunday here I usually feel melancholic. In that regard, the temperature was very fitting. It is the name Sunday that does not fit it.
Une cabane sous la neige
J'ai écrit en novembre un billet sur la cabane en bois sur le lot de mes oncles. Mon père m'a envoyé cette autre photo il y a quelques jours, une photo de la cabane suspendue, sous la neige, au milieu des arbres. Je n'ai rien de particulièrement particulier à écrire, sauf que j'aime beaucoup plus cette photo hivernale (moi qui pourtant préfère l'automne). Celle-ci est une vraie photo de carte postale. Et j'ai voulu la télécharger sur Vraie Fiction.
Saturday, 11 January 2014
A park drowned in the River Thames
I took this picture this afternoon, of a nearby park, the most important one in this town, right at its heart. The recent bad weather and constant made the Thames River overflow. This area of England is prompt to flooding when it rains a lot. I had not seen the park in a while and wanted to see it. A lot of it has either been invaded by the river, or been covered with gigantic ponds created by the rain, ponds that look more like little lakes. The flood created a lot of suffering obviously, to everyone living near the river. Nevertheless, I cannot help but find that the park half drowned has a terrifying beauty.
Lectures de voyage?
Je vais bientôt aller en vacances à Montréal, alors je prépare tranquillement mes valises. Et je cherche dans ma bibliothèque mon livre de voyage. Ou deux, parce qu'en général je lis plus en vacances. Si vous vous rappelez, j'ai déjà posé une question existentielle sur les lectures de voyages. Cela dit, de manière impromptue, je vous demande si vous avez des suggestions.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
A memory about Simone de Beauvoir
I was reminded by today's Google Doodle that this was the birthday of Simone de Beauvoir. I love existentialist writers, I am pretty much an existentialist philosophically and de Beauvoir's Deuxième Sexe was one of my mother's favourite non-fiction books for a time (it may still be now). But I have a different memory of the work of Simone de Beauvoir: for me, she was and will remain mainly the author of Le Sang des autres. I gave a course on this novel when I was teaching literature in Liverpool. It was maybe my most popular class, it was probably my best. I miss teaching literature, and today reminded me of this. So joyeux anniversaire Simone. You gave me some of my best working days.
Réflexion à propos d'un surnom
J'ai blogué il y a un an sur un surnom que des amis français m'avaient donné: Chicou, parce que je venais de Chicoutimi. Pour les mêmes raisons que l'année dernière (c'était sa fête), j'ai reçu de mon amie française un remerciement. Elle m'a appelé par mon surnom. C'est seulement dans ces moments-là que je m'en rappelle. Pour un Saguenéen de Chicoutimi, il n'y a rien de particulier ou d'exotique, bien entendu, à être un Saguenéen de Chicoutimi. C'est commun, banal même. Mais pour les Français, le nom de la ville est la quintessence de l'étrangeté. Et ça me définit, dans leur esprit. Pour les autres Québécois, c'est mon accent saguenéen. On me dit que je suis un gars du Saguenay, ou alors parfois, plus précisément, un gars de Chicoutimi. Les Français ne faisant en général pas ou peu de distinction entre les accents régionaux québécois, ce qui me distingue c'est le nom de ma ville. Cela dit, ce que ça peut sonner stupide comme surnom.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
The Detective Tales cover for January
Tonight is the time to follow the tradition to upload on Vraie Fiction a cover from Detective Tales and comment on it. I skipped December because I had plenty of other subjects to blog about. Maybe I should end this tradition, as it generally gathers little interest from my readership (it very rarely gets commented anyway), but I love judging a book, or in this instance a magazine, by its cover and it is always fun to look at pulp art. This one is from January 1936. Quite a nice image, with an economy of details and characters and plenty of action. The setting is the roof of a building. The damsel in distress is in the center of the frame, looking worryingly at the back as a thug holding a sharp knife is climbing a ladder, while the squared jaw hero (private eye?) is holding a gun and looking carefully for potential enemies, oblivious to the clear and present danger behind him. I love the way the blonde is about to grab his arm to warn him. And I wonder how she managed to get up over the roof with such tight dress. So there you have it, a classic pulp magazine cover.
Je reviendrai à Montréal (dans un grand Boeing bleu de mer)
Enfin, je ne sais pas si le Boeing sera bleu de mer, mais je vais bientôt revoir Montréal en hiver, car j'ai des vacances qui s'en viennent. Alors depuis quelques jours, j'écoute Je reviendrai à Montréal, LA chanson du Montréalais expatrié. Je la télécharge encore une fois sur Vraie Fiction afin de commémorer mon futur voyage. La troisième fois en six ans de blogue. Je crois que je peux me le permettre.
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Furious January
I am again blogging about the weather. Nevertheless, it is worth blogging about: the weather has turned mad since the beginning of January. It pours heavily, it rains some more when it does not pour, and it pours again and then or simultaneously the wind blows so strong that you feel it hitting the windows. Yesterday evening, leaving the train station I got soaked. The trains often run late, if only for a few minutes. But it is not my journey to and from work that lasts longer, as much as the waiting time. And yesterday during the middle night I was woken up by another storm. January is a furious month this year.
Tartare de venaison
Cette photo a été prise lors de mon souper avec les anciens proprios d'Odin. C'était mon repas principal, un tarte de venaison, je crois que c'était du chevreuil, enfin un cervidé. Il y avait de la betterave dedans et c'était délicieux avec un vin rouge bien corsé. Je mange relativement peu de viande maintenant, de la viande rouge encore moins, je préfère le poisson. Cela dit, j'aime le gibier et j'ai un gros faible pour un bon steak tartare. Celui-ci est peut-être l'un des meilleurs que j'aie mangés. Des repas comme ça me rappellent que je suis un incorrigible carnivore.
Monday, 6 January 2014
First Monday of January (and the Epiphany)
Did you notice that today was the Epiphany? I bet you didn't, just like me in fact. This morning I thought: "This is the first Monday of January and there is a full week of work ahead of me." And this is what I thought I would be blogging about. But officially, this is the last day of Christmastime. Funny to think that, as I usually get into a post-Christmas blues before January. For me, the Epiphany means something else entirely. And today, I didn't even notice the day. It was a cold and wet Monday, as grey as a Monday can be, looking as post-Christmas as a January Monday could be.
Question existentielle (215)
Je pose ce soir une question existentielle d'une rare profondeur:
-Dans quelle poche de vêtement mettre son téléphone cellulaire?
-Dans quelle poche de vêtement mettre son téléphone cellulaire?
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Roasted Nuts (the beer)
I am plugging a fine product from Rebellion Beer, a fine product that you can find all around the pubs of Buckinghamsire and Berkshire during winter and which is a must-drink for me every time the season arrives. I am talking of course, for those who live around this part of England, of Roasted Nuts. You can see the colour of the beer on this post. You cannot mistake the label, with its squirrel, that matches the ruby colour of the beer. One of the representatives of the Marlow brewery once told me: "If you love dark ales, this one is the Holy Grail." He knew how to sell it, every to someone who was already convinced, but the way he described it deserves to be a great unknown line. So here it is, the Holy Grail of dark ales.
Un soir de janvier...
Si vous vous plaignez de la neige qui tombe, ou du froid sibérien (comme par exemple si vous vivez ici), jetez un coup d'oeil à la photo de gauche. C'est à ça que ça ressemble un soir d'hiver sans neige. C'est gris, c'est monotone et c'est déprimant. Et même si ce n'est pas un froid polaire, ce n'est quand même pas chaud, alors on ne se sent pas plus dans les tropiques. Je sais que j'écris souvent sur la température ces temps-ci, mais je tenais à le mentionner: les soirs d'hiver lorsqu'il n'y a pas de neige, ils sont d'un ennui mortel. Les températures extrêmes, elles nous font apprécier la saison.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Hail and Thunder... in January?
There are moments, even after years in this country, when English winters amazes me. We have had a very miserable weather since the beginning of January (and since December actually), rarely downright cold, but always cool and wet. So yesterday, in the middle of the afternoon, there was a hail storm. Nothing outstanding yet, but a few minutes later, I could see lightning and thunder. The quintessential summertime weather, but on a cool winter day. In January. In England. I have seen electric storms as late as late October, November sometimes, but I don't remember witnessing any in January. I should not complain, at the same time it was minus 47 Celsius where I come from.
La photo du mois et moi
Ainsi que je vous l'ai appris en novembre, le thème de la photo du mois de janvier a été choisi par votre serviteur. On m'a demandé de choisir le 15 décembre 2013 et après de nombreuses et de longues réflexions, j'ai choisi "Un". Parce que janvier est le premier mois de l'année, surtout. Mais "un" peut évoquer l'unité comme la solitude, la différence comme l'ensemble, le début et un tas d'autres choses. Il n'y a qu'un seul hic: je ne sais même pas quelle photo je vais prendre ou trouver qui collerait avec ce thème.
Friday, 3 January 2014
The bread and olives at Boulters
With the new year, I am trying to start again the Friday (or Saturday, or weekend ) tradition of plugging a menu or a piece of the menu in a pub or a restaurant. Tonight, it is something I ate at Boulters when I had a lunch with colleagues. I could plug more than one thing on their menu, but I want to focus on one particular item in their starters. I am talking about the Homemade Rustic Bread (as they announce it), with olives, confit garlic and dipping oil (and balsamic vinegar). First, a warning: while what I had as a main dish was quite small (but delicious, and more on it another day), the rustic bread and all its accompaniments were very filling, enough actually to make for one meal. In fact, I think it could be shared by two people and they would still have enough for a lunch each. But, s it any good? It is delicious. I love olives, and the confit garlic was a discovery to me. I was a bit too enthusiastic with the garlic: I had it all and stank of garlic all afternoon and the day after. I guess it should also be a warning, but it was worth every bite. So delicious in its simplicity.
Le Saguenay sibérien
Mon petit frère PJ m'a montré sur Facebook cette nouvelle venant de ma région: il fait -46 C au Saguenay sans le vent, des températures proprement sibériennes. Je lis ça, et j'ai comme un frisson, à la fois de souvenirs, parce que j'en ai vécu des hivers comme celui-là, mais aussi un frisson de fierté. Parce que je trouve que pour vivre dans une région qui endure des froids sibériens à chaque année ou presque, il faut un certain esprit de persévérance admirable.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
An Italian moment with Cate Blanchett
I was distractly watching TV a few days or weeks ago, and I saw (and heard) one of those fashion adverts, about a perfume. I don't care one bit the world of fashion, it usually bores me, but for some reason, I was loving this advert. There was some words said in Italian, and I could understand them, most of them anyway, which got me in a good mood. Then there was something about the model in the advert, and then it finally struck me: the voice and face were the ones of Cate Blanchett. My all-time favourite actress. She was advertising the perfume Si by Giorgio Armani. I am NOT a slave of fashion, I will never Armani, Gucci, or Chanel or what have you. Proof that I am a Philistine when it comes to fashion: the new campaign has been going on for months and I just noticed it. But hey, I love this advert to bits. And I know I once said that this blog does not advertise, but I did at least once uploaded an advert for its artistic and sentimental merit. Ironically, it was also about a perfume. I am not sure if this advert is that artistic or intelligent, but it has Italian and Cate Blanchett, so it is good enough for me.
Une tourterelle l'hiver
Vous pouvez voir à votre gauche la première photo publiée sur ce blogue en janvier 2014 et, ironiquement, ce n'est ni une photo prise en janvier, ni la photo du mois (je bloguerai plus amplement sur celle à venir). Je voulais marquer le mois par une image hivernale, j'ai pensé à celle-ci que mon père m'a envoyée en novembre. Vous voyez la tourterelle? Les mangeoires du jardin enneigé et les oiseaux, plus particulièrement les tourterelles, pour moi c'est ça l'hiver.
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Tea for detox
I have started detoxing today from the excesses of Christmastime, as rich food and alcohol had taken their toll. Old age, I guess. So I took my perfect tea mug from David's Tea and poured hot water on a black tea mix that did me wonder. I also discovered on their Facebook page that they have an organic detox blend which has rooibos in it. I will most likely buy some stocks on my next trip to Montreal. I love tea in general, but I have a particular fondness for the ones from David's Tea, which started very suddenly when I discovered them. And now I have a growing trust in their effect on health.
Mercredi, 1er janvier
Mes lecteurs savent que je n'aime pas beaucoup le premier janvier, pour plusieurs raisons. Pour moi, c'est vraiment à ce moment-là et non pas le 6 janvier que les Fêtes et Noël sont vraiment terminés. En général, je ne passe pas ce jour la joie dans l'âme. Or il m'est venu à l'esprit aujourd'hui, alors que je me sentais particulièrement mélancolique, que le Jour de l'An tombe un mercredi. Le milieu de la semaine, que j'exècre assez d'habitude, et d'un. Cela veut également dire que le congé férié ne dure qu'une journée, en plein milieu de la semaine. Au moins à Noël on avait le 26. Enfin bref... Comme les Fêtes sont terminées, je compte bloguer dès demain sur autre chose que celles-ci, afin de mettre fin dès que possible à la mélancolie de l'après Temps des Fêtes. Ce soir, j'essaie encore d'exorciser à la fois le mercredi et le premier janvier.
Gloom and doom
This is the first day of the new year and here it is cool, wet, rainy and windy. I shouldn't complain: in Québec it seems that it will be around minus 30 in many places. Still, there is the snow there, and I think I prefer a cold, snowy January to this gloomy wet weather. I think that today I will stay in. Happy new year everyone.
Question existentielle (214)
Commençons la nouvelle année par une question existentielle:
-Quelle résolution du Nouvel An peut-on espérer tenir durant l'année, si on essaie de demeurer réaliste?
-Quelle résolution du Nouvel An peut-on espérer tenir durant l'année, si on essaie de demeurer réaliste?