Sunday 24 November 2013

Sunday miseries (and some solace)

Today was, is a Sunday like I hate them: firstly, it is grey and dark. It felt very much like doom and gloom. And then it happened: the washing/drying machine broke down, just when there was a gigantic pile of laundry to be done. So the Sunday afternoon was spent going to the launderette. I thought I could read there, but try to read in a launderette. It is uncomfortable, noisy, and such an ugly place. I feel sorry for the person who has to work there on Sunday. Anyway, what a rubbish way to end the weekend! Now I am having an afternoon cup of tea, so I can forget my ordeal. One needs a bit of solace after such ordeal.


  1. bummer of a day. i hate laundromats. i used to hate sundays but not so much anymore.

  2. Oooo..sorry to hear it. Thanks for the comment. I am caught up in studying a TEFL but I will eventually write more about China!


  3. @Jaz-Sundays are often bittersweet days for me and recently I was already feeling sad with the loss of Odin, the broken washing machine just made things worse.
    @Lynda-I cannot wait to read, when you are ready to write.
