Saturday 2 November 2013

Rambling about an olive green sweater

I am not particularly a fashion slave, I mean some of the clothes I wear are at least fifteen years old, but on my last trip to Quebec, when I was at Heathrow in the duty free section, I found this sweater in the Harrods shop. An outdoor sweater from Ralph Lauren. Olive green (or at least this is how I remember it, it looks more grey on the website, but it says olive on the Ralph Lauren one), military looking (except when wore by a gay looking model like on the RL website), patches on the shoulders and elbows. I really loved it when I saw it. I think I know why: it is a perfect sweater for a cold autumn or winter day. And it is kind of old-fashioned without looking too old. The saleswoman saw how eager I was and tried her best: it's the last one, it is pure cashmere, etc. But I didn't buy it. Not at this price. I actually tried not to laugh when she gave the price to me. Which makes me wonder: who can afford this stuff?

1 comment:

  1. You can get those at the army surplus store super cheap, they're designed for hunters and riflemen, hence the leather pads on the shoulders and elbows.
