Thursday 18 April 2013

Hamlet and me

Here is an anecdote that was both heart warming and flattering. One of my former teachers from cégep told me on Facebook that he is having his students read Hamlet, incidentally my favorite of Shakespeare's plays.  He said that he can hear my voice. It was flattering but obscure: I did a bit of acting schtick under his supervision, but I never played Hamlet. He explained to me today that it was because of my love for England. Okay, so it had little or maybe even nothing to do with acting. Still, it is nice to know that I am remembered like this, after all those years.


  1. It's always nice to be remembered positively.

  2. It is. It also means I have a big mouth.

  3. I like too the Hamlet. (in french)

    I have a project a sequel for hamlet

