Friday 26 April 2013

Elusive bat

Yesterday, it was the full moon. The evening fell down fairly late too and the skies were mostly clear, so it was light enough in a garden. Looking for the moon, I saw a bat flying in the back garden. My first bat of the year I think. Full moons are good for bats spotting. That said, so far I have been unable to take a picture of a bat here. Bats just fly wildly, they are swift, small, just specks of shadows that sometimes squeak. I like them quite a lot.


  1. We used to have a few of them at our last apartment, i'm hoping to see some here as well!

  2. Used to see them quite a bit when I lived in Austin. They'd take to the skies at dusk from under the bridge!

  3. @Cynthia-I'm gonna miss the bats one day.
    @The Gill-Man-The Atheist Community of Austin do make special bat cruises sometimes. I have been wanting to attend to one since I know about them.

  4. We see them flying over our roof from time to time.

    Don't eat enough mosquitoes for my tastes.

  5. @Mantan-That's one aspect of bats I love: they eat mosquitoes.
