Saturday 1 December 2012

The police, the homeless, the boots

Many of you probably read/heard about it already, but I thought if you have not that this anecdote would touch you and put you in the Christmas spirit. So here it is: a NYPD police officer, Lawrence DePrimo (or Larry De Primo), bought boots to a homeless man who was barefoot on a cold winter day in New York. A tourist took the picture and he is now a media darling. I rarely think much of these kinds of stories, but this Good Samaritan anecdote touched me. I don't want to comment much about it. I just find it heart warming.


  1. It's weird that there are suddenly all these stories about cops doing good deeds. Must be trying to cover up something they did that was pretty atrocious.

  2. I only know this cop story recently. And I don't think there is any conspiracy/PR operation here.
