Friday 16 November 2012

Friday treats

I thought I would write another Friday treat post. I think the last time was in May. I haven't done one in a while and I treat myself a lot this Friday. Well, there was the usual sandwich treat for lunch, but for supper I had fish and chips from the local fish shop. You can see the picture of the feast on the right. Greasy? Absolutely! It has enough fat and salt to clog my arteries for decades to come. But it was nevertheless delicious. It was all ready for me when I got in the shop. I told the guy to pour loads of malt vinegar on them (I love malt vinegar). I told him: "Pour galons of it, you cannot drown a fish". He replied: "Well, I can still try". I think they are both great unknown lines that need to be immortalised here. I ate this really quickly, as if I was starving. I was only hungry. But there is something about fish and chips. Grease, salt, vinegar. The perfect comfort food for a Friday night.


  1. You got that right!!! Love the new immortalized lines!! Perfect!

  2. I love vinegar on my fish and chips too but white vinegar, not malt. When we were in England a few years ago, we had some terrific fish and chips.

  3. Dang, think I'm going to have to treat myself at the Fisherman's Market now.

  4. Somehow I knew this post would get popular. Thank you all for commenting.
