Saturday 6 October 2012

A chocolate Jack O'Lantern

Let's carry on our countdown to Halloween. Not the best title for a post, I know. But this is a short post about exactly that: a Chocolate Jack'O. (Note that I always use the capital letters when I write Jack O'Lantern, don't ask me why). I bought it last week at the local sweet shop, which is supposed to close soon. In fact, it was supposed to close in September. For some reason and to my great happiness, it is still standing. I don't know if it will finally stay or if it is agonizing. There is always a crowd in the shop, maybe they are making enough now to pay rent. Last week, I thought it may be the last sweet thing I bought from them. I wanted it to be a Halloween sweet. Halloween is associated with excessive eating (read my thought on Halloween and gluttony and feel free to comment), so I find it fitting that, during the countdown, not only do I watch horror movies and read scary stories, but I eat Halloween-related sweets.


  1. I do as well! :)
    Have a happy weekend!

  2. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! Please do come back, there are more Halloween goodies coming.
