Sunday 9 September 2012

Seasonal changes

The weather these last few days has been particularly warm, for September at least, while the last days of August were surprisingly cool. I understand that September can be quite warm, even hot, but I always somewhat expect September to have a more autumnal weather. At least I didn't need to put sun lotion on me. It was not that hot. I blogged recently about the signs of autumn, in spite of the hot weather. Now, according to BBC Weather, it will get much colder from Tuesday onwards. I am glad, I welcome the change of temperature. I find it more comfortable, beside I need to start wearing my warm clothes. Well, I don't need to, but my shelves have been a proper mess with the quick weather changes, so I want to settle in autumn mode.


  1. It has been raining all day due to a cold front moving in. Well, it will not be cold, but the cooler, drier weather is definitely a nice change from the summer heat and humidity. The cooler weather reminds me that we are one day closer to Halloween, yay!

  2. You would need a big raincoat if you were here today Guillaume. it has been cooler at nights though.

  3. @tao.owl-I think about Halloween more and more.
    @Gwen-I have a good coat for rain here, not exactly a raincoat but it keeps me dry. I regret not buying a real one in the Lake District, the coats there are perfect for all the worst weathers.

  4. Yesterday, we had our first "cool front", which means it finally dropped below 90 for the first time in months! SOOOOO ready for this Summer to end!

  5. @The Gill-Man-I feel your pain. I was getting tired of the heat. Autumn is the season of comfort.

  6. We're starting to see some cooler temperatures here too. I feel cheated if September is too warm :/

  7. @Halloween Spirit-During the day it is still warm, but it quickly gets cold in the evening.
