Wednesday 12 September 2012

DIY shop (a thought)

My aunt, the sister of my mother, once said about her husband that when he gets bored on a Saturday, he goes to the DIY shop. And when he is bored again after he comes back... he goes there again. I always thought that was pretty eccentric. Until I visited the local DIY shop here. I once mentioned it on this blog. Apart from tools and house goods, it has plenty of gardening stuff. And an electric train on display. Nothing too impressive, but still. I go there just to have a quick look at the train and the décor surrounding: the train station as it was decades ago. And the staff is nice and helpful. After the sweet shop, it might be my favourite shop in this town. I am very surprised about it, maybe I am getting old.


  1. When the massive Home Depot first opened, I discovered a whole new fascination with all things hardware oriented. It surprised me, too. I had no idea what most of those widgets and doohickeys were for, but I didn't care, they were endlessly fun to see.

  2. It makes me think about almost every man in my family for who the ideal Sunday is spent browsing Canadian Tire :)

  3. @Violetsky-Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog again! Long time no... read. I am not sure I would love to spend time in Home Depot, not yet anyway. The DIY store here is much smaller, it looks a bit more ran down, which is part of its charm, it has lots of gardening stuff, that small train station AND they were playing Pink Floyd when I went there once.
    @Cynthia-We used to do this with dad. It used to bore me to tears.
