Saturday 19 May 2012

Blogger's block?

I am wondering about it, I mean if I don't have it. There are some signs: I blog more sporadically these days and I noticed that my readership is diminishing (according to statistics). I think my posts, while not bad, have lacked something as well. Not all of them, but there is something missing on the whole. A blog is not only a catalogue of posts, each one is part of a whole, and there is something that is lacking right now. I do want to blog more, I think blogging less might "starve" it, but I need to find what's missing on Vraie Fiction.


  1. I wouldn't worry about it.. sometimes Less is More...

  2. Je pense qu'au premiers signes du beau temps, tant les blogueurs que les lecteurs désertent un peu internet. C'est normal je crois.

  3. I can relate to your post. When I started my blog it was primarily seasonal, revolving around Halloween. I found I really enjoyed it and began to blog regularly through the year(s), making the effort to connect daily happenings and thoughts back to the the spirit of Halloween and general spookiness, however tenuous that connection might be. It helped that I was between jobs at the time.

    Since returning to full time work, my time and energy diminished and I found myself posting (and reading blogs) less and less. I tried not to beat myself up over this, but instead accepted it as perhaps a necessary break, and posted when something came along that inspired me.

    Sometimes a break or sporadic blogging may help one to re-focus and eventually find inspiration again. Or as your first commenter said, "Sometimes less is more."

    Hope it works out :).
