Thursday 1 March 2012

Saint David's Day

Well, Google reminded me of it today: it is Saint David's Day. Which means the National Day of Wales. I blogged about it last year. I will try to avoid repeating myself this year. March is mainly for me the treacherous month, the time of the Ides of March, and of course Saint Patrick's Day and Ireland. Wales is often far off my mind. Which is sad, as I have a few Welsh friends and acquaintances. I used to when I was at university here. In any case, I love Wales and the Welsh people. As far as I am concerned, they are the founding people of Britain.

I have one strong image from my past which I associate with Saint David's Day. I mentioned it last year. It was after a performance of Le Malade imaginaire, by Molière, on a 1st of March. I had a small role, my very first role on the stage, this is where I got hooked with acting. My fellow Welsh actors, all clad in a Welsh flag, threw daffodils at the audience. This is as much as I celebrated Saint-David's Day in a lifetime. The same year, I bought a Welsh flag through a Welsh friend, who had been in the play. I uploaded an image of the flag here. This is the 1st of March, Saint David's Day. Happy National Day to the Welsh people.

1 comment:

  1. It's incredible to think that it's March already:-)
