Saturday 31 March 2012

Last night of treacherous March

March is ending unlike it started. This last week has been warm every day. Borderline hot, even. Now today, all of a sudden, the temperature dropped suddenly. It was dark, cold, when I went out to buy the bare necessities of life, I was wearing my Liverpool coat. I didn't want to wear the Berghaus, but it would have been better: the Liverpool coat is just not warm enough, whatever nostalgic attachment I have towards it. And tomorrow is April, by far the most treacherous month there is in the year. This is why I don't trust spring: it has the two worst months of the year in it. Sometimes you think summer is here, other days like today, winter is back.

So for the rest of the night, I will wrap myself in a comfortable blanket and I will read a lot and watch some DVDs (I let you guess what exactly: here is a clue). Cold temperatures make for comfortable evenings at home, when you have the proper blanket. This one you see on the picture above is not here, unfortunately I will not be wrapped in it. The tartan blanket is older than me, my parents used to wrap me up in it when I was a baby, then I inherited it. I took the picture when I was in Chicoutimi. I still use it when I visit. For me this blanket is the quintessential comfort item for a cold night.


  1. Cette couverture a une histoire.
    Elle a été achetée au Canadian Tire ici a Chicoutimi en 1973.
    Elle a été fabriquée en Tchékoslovquie. Pure laine.
    Très résistante, elle est encore comme neuve.

  2. I have a blanket my Grandmother made for me when I was a child. While it is not the warmest blanket I own it is my piece of nostaglia, and reading this post reminds me how some objects of our childhood often retain a firm grip on us into adulthood like your own tartan blanket. Stay warm:-)
