Monday 26 September 2011

A great unknown line about daydreaming

This one is from a colleague, I don't even know her name, so it is really a great unknown line. So here is the context: I was in the kitchen about to grab a glass when she nearly bumped into me, trying to grab her cup of coffee. She said: "Sorry, I was in my own world."

To which I replied: "It's okay, I am often in my own world."

Then came her great unknown line: "Sometimes it's the safest place to be."

Which is true. And it is reassuring that I am not the only one daydreaming at work. But don't tell anyone.


  1. Daydreaming (especially on a Monday) is all that stands between us and the abyss of insanity at times. What a great unknown, now known line:-)
