Friday 8 April 2011

Ways to spend a Friday evening

I am always tired on Friday evenings nowadays. I don't go out, I usually stay indoors and watch TV. I guess it is the nature of the beast, Friday nights are meant for those who don't work on that day. That said, I rarely went out in the past on Friday nights. Even when invited at dinner with my colleagues, say, I usually try to make it short and never stay there until dessert. If it is not with friends and/or family I usually try to avoid an evening out on Friday. It used to be different of course and there was a time when I could not wait to get out on Friday. But even in Liverpool, when I never worked on Fridays, my best evenings were spent at home. We had a few home parties that were more pleasant than nights out (especially since at that time there was no smoking ban in public places, so the bars were giant ashtrays), but even a quiet night watching whatever was on TV, reading some books, stroking the cat and having gin and tonic ("I'm making gin and tonic, would anybody like some?" I never enjoyed this drink unless it was in these particular circumstances I think) was pleasurable enough. No wonder I idealise that time.


  1. Mes vendredis récents ont été passés sur le divan, entre la télé et l'ordi. Je ne dirais pas non à un drink sais-tu.

  2. Gin and tonic? How very English :-) I must say that Friday nights are sacred stay in nights if I can help it, and so I understand that compulsion to stay home perfectly. I went out last night, but most reluctantly. Although I did stay for dessert... if I have to go out on a Friday night, the dessert makes it worthwhile!

  3. @PJ-Tu peux boire de l'alcool? Si oui, alors ton problème est réglé.
    @Anonymous-It depends of the dessert. With family and friends, I usually don't stop myself for dessert. I like gin and tonic, but it is not my poison of predilection.

  4. TV sucks of Friday, I prefer going out but my old man usually wants to rest :/
