Sunday 5 December 2010

Mozart and a commemoration

On the 5th of December, I usually blog about The Legend of Saint Nicholas. I still might later on. But Mozart`s Girl reminded me that today is Mozart's death anniversary. And to my great shame I don't think I ever commemorated it here. So here it is.

I blogged about Mozart fairly often, especially about the special relationship I have with his operas. It is through his lyric works that I mainly know and love Mozart. Back in 1991 (I think it was in May), when I was a teenager, my family and I visited Austria, which was therefore during his 200th death anniversary. We visited Mozart's world more than Austria this year, and spent many evenings going to concert, operas, etc. I was hooked for the next Summer. A few years later I got sick of it and listened to other things, mainly XIXth century composers. I got hooked again a few years later. Now his operas are my favourite to sing. I put a lot of his music here and I wanted to put some more to commemorate his death. I thought of his Hallelujah from Exultate Jubilate, but I could not find a good enough version on Youtube to embed here. Most of them simply had an awful sound. But I found this interpretation which is very nice, although I cannot put it here you can follow the link and enjoy it there.


  1. 1991 Guillaume, 1991 le 200ième de la mort de Mozart et de notre visite de l'Autriche. Il a fait un temps de cul pendant pratiquement deux semaines. Surtout à Salzbourg. Comme si Dieu pleurait Mozart...

  2. In 1991 I was NOT a teenager (!) but I remember 4th/5th December very well. We attended an amazing concert in St Paul's Cathedral of the Requiem (I'm afraid your not favourite Diana was also there :o) ) & the last notes faded away at the exact time (1.50am) of his death, which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! Wonderful.
    I love the (fairly recently discovered) portrait you illustrated the post with. I think you can see from it that the death mask is, indeed, his. Enjoy your day & thanks for the music xo Rachel

  3. @PJ-J'ai corrigé.
    @That must have been quite a moment. Even the presence of Lady Di would not have prevented me from appreciating it. And I think you are right about the mask and portrait, they look very similar.
