Sunday 27 June 2010

Enjoying not being part of it

I will start this post by a great unknown line. Last Wednesday, I went to a meeting at work. The person holding it told me: "So you are not into football". Stupidly I asked why: England was of course playing, which I had barely noticed. I was the only invited person who attended the meeting.

Today England played again, and lost, but I barely watch the game. If it wasn't for my wife being disappointed, I would not have cared at all about the game. I went in the garden instead, put down the picnic towel we had bought earlier on and I read. It was (and is still) the hottest day of the year, everything was silent outside but for the far away background noise of TVs. The town was otherwise so quiet I could have been the only living person here. I was alone, an outsider, not being part of that moment and not caring one bit.


  1. Salut Guillaume!

    LOL! So I'm not the only one who is indifferent to this World Cup (even though I live in South Africa)? What are you currently reading?

    Je te souhaite une bon journee!

  2. Reading "L'énigme du retour" by Dany Laferrière, great stuff. I am finishing it and next I will probably read Stevenson's "Treasure Island".

  3. Sounds like a lovely time. My 'alone' time is my favorite time. Although the heat part would have killed me...ha! :o)

  4. @Wendy-Don't get me wrong: the heat nearly killed me! But it was not nearly as bad as watching football.
