Sunday 24 January 2010

The Creative Process

During our last trip to Québec and Canada, I discovered a hilarious short animated movie made by a certain Jeffrey Royiwsky. I found it so funny I watched it over and over again, on the trip to Montreal, then back from Vancouver, then back to England. I tried to find it everywhere, on Youtube and on Google, without any success. All I found was something on the Air Canada website. Then recently, I was lucky enough to find it here. Watch it and tell me what you think.

I know why I find The Creative Process so funny: it is a simple cartoon which shows a reality I know too well. I have never made animated movies, but as a student I spent a lot of sleepless nights due to poor planning, overconfidence and procrastination, with varying results. I sometimes managed to get As, but not always. I also got a lot of suffering through it, however proud I was of my work. Anyway, The Creative Process is, in a nutshell, student life.

1 comment:

  1. Guillaume, this is all too kind, and really cool of you. E-mail me at I have some work you might be interested in. And yea, this is really me and everything. I would've e-mailed you from the beginning, but I couldn't find it. So yea, thanks again!
