Monday 13 July 2009

Cats are superior creatures

I just read this article on BBC News, giving yet another proof that cats are so much smarter than us humans. I really want a cat sometimes, like when something like this reminds me why I love those furry manipulative little devils/angels. Cats are just as beautiful as they are intelligent. Anyway, it reminds me too of the cat I "had" in Liverpool (I blogged about her before), a black female who shared many nights purring next to me while I was marking the essays of my students. Sometimes she was standing by the bath, asking for water when I was shaving. Memories... She was my best housemate. Anyway, I miss her purring.


  1. Cats are great! I have a himalayan and she is the sweetest thing ever!

  2. Ha...what a funny coincidence....I literally JUST read this exact article right before logging on here tonight. Thought it was interesting and so true. And then I find that my friend Guilluame has been reading the same article! Great minds.... :o)

  3. Salut~! Moi, j'aime les chats aussi mais peut-etre les yeux des chats sont tres "scary".

  4. I love cats. Unfortunately I don't have any right now, but I'm kittysitting and loving it. Except today my friens are coming back to claim their cats - I think I might just have to lock the door and pretend I'm not there...

  5. Je n'aime pas les chats surtout le dénommé 'Toulouse', il creuse mes plate-bandes à qui mieux mieux, et mauvais fauve il traque mes oiseaux.
