Tuesday 9 June 2009

Blossoming crabapple tree

Here is a picture of the crabapple tree in blossom outside my parents's house. It was taken a few days ago. Because of the wind, it does not look as good now. Crabapples themselves are for me a sign of end of summer and beginning of autumn and harvest, but I associate the tree blossoming with hot summer days to come. I wish I could smell it, like I used to when I was spending the holidays at my parents's house. I don't know if it is because of it's pinkish white colour of the flowers that produces the perfume, but I always found the smell of this tree sweet and relaxing (and somewhat exotic). In any case, it is nice to see an image of summertime. Where I am these days, it is cold, it rains and it doesn't look or feel much like June. That said, I have reasons to be happy (or happier): I learned today that one of my senior colleagues appreciates me quite a lot and desperately wants me back for next year and another of my colleagues/client from the Saturday job is passing my cv around so I can find a bigger/better job. After the last few days feeling out of place and being considered with almost hostility by some, it is nice to be appreciated. So it might be gloomy outside, but I can now look at the weeks and months ahead with hope and confidence. And of course there is always the picture of the crabapple tree to cheer me up.


  1. It doesn't get any better than the smell of a crabapple tree in bloom.

    Ceci dit, c'est pas très été ici non plus. Il fait froid et gris - on pourrait tout aussi bien être voisins.

  2. Love that tree...it reminds me of the dogwood trees here a little. I wonder if crab apple trees will grow in Florida? On our list is a Japanese Maple and a Dogwood...but I will have to enquire about the Crab Apple tree next time we go to the Garden Center.

    And great news on the job front too. It's always nice to know you are appreciated. That's one of my mantras..."the benefit of a kind word"! And it works, because it made you feel a lot better. :o)
